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Home » Art Thomas -Testimonies used as Spiritual War Propaganda: Coming Soon -Don’t miss Art Thomas on VFNtv

Art Thomas -Testimonies used as Spiritual War Propaganda: Coming Soon -Don’t miss Art Thomas on VFNtv

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LISTEN NOW! Art Thomas shares the recent directions from the Lord to an attentive audience with the words, “I want you to use testimony like war propaganda”. Propaganda can rally the troops in a particular direction. Unlike propaganda which can often be false, testimony is all true!

When Jesus came to the towns of Israel, He came speaking truth about who He was and who His Father is. Ironically enough, it was the religious Pharisees who, of all things, saw Jesus as a competitor. We, as the Church have to have the heart of God in order to see Jesus in a manner that we may not expect Him to come. Enjoy this moment of truth to encourage you and prepare you for the time that Art Thomas will be on VFNtv next week, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Art Thomas, healing, signs and wonders, The Great Commission, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Crash Course in Healing Ministry- Art Thomas Ministries

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