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Home » Israel Under Siege: International Campaign to Blacken the Name of Israel encouraging Boycott of Israeli Products

Israel Under Siege: International Campaign to Blacken the Name of Israel encouraging Boycott of Israeli Products

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LISTEN NOW! The trembling cup that is surrounding Israel, not only encompasses Israel’s immediate neighbors in the Middle East, but also the international community at large. According to CBN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says “a great struggle and international campaign is being waged against his country to “blacken its name””. The “BDS Movement” is continuing to urge companies, organization, and individuals to openly come against Israel and those who stand in support of Israel. The name meaning- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, primarily focuses its attention on Israel. “The CEO of French Mobile phone giant, “Orange”, said he would cut ties with Israeli operating company…as soon as possible”. As voices are getting louder in the International community, Israel’s biggest supporter continues to be Christian Americans.

It is realities such as these that highlight the similarities to what occurred in Germany in World War II. The same events are taking place. How can there be such an international focus on one piece of real estate that is only 70 miles wide at its widest point; Israel?  Because its God’s chosen land. By looking at the profound ingenuity of the Israeli people and the agricultural industry, you will be stunned to see how Israel is not only a blessed land, but the Jewish people are a blessing, and God is blessing the world through them. 

Amidst the critical perspective of Israel being promulgated in the news today, allow this perspective to give you the perspective that matters most, God’s perspective of Israel. This is our moment as the Church, to use the history of yesterday, and what happened in Germany, and make a bold stand to support Israel in today’s critical hour. Be greatly encouraged as you watch and see how Israel is not only offering support to other nations, but dramatically impacting other economies, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Israel, BDS Movement, John Kerry, President Obama, nuclear, Iran, Palestine, agriculture, barn owls, Mount Carmel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Made In Israel – Agriculture

Worldwide Campaign Seeks to ‘Blacken Israel’s Name’
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