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MASSACRED-Christians Massacred in South Carolina Church: Where do We Go from Here?



LISTEN NOW!  Last night, Christians were gathered at Emmanuel African Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina for a Bible study. As another Bible study began, it appeared like any other with people taking their seats. This particular gathering would be unlike any other as Dylann Storm Roof took his seat. According to CBN, Roof was present for a few moments before opening fire in the meeting, ultimately killing 9 people.  There is outrage in response of this shooting that took place, of all moments, during a Bible study. It is pure evil that would drive anyone to carry out such heinous acts of violence. 

Many are watching the news headlines, such as this one, wondering what to do. We cannot sit idly by and witness these atrocities being carried out. The community has responded in prayer as more than 50 pastors throughout South Carolina have gathered in Charleston to pray, to come together in unity, and “to stand in solidarity”. It was only a few decades prior that injustices were sweeping the nation. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. responded. He stood up as a voice. He got involved. As we look back on the life and events of Dr. King, there is a contradictory viewpoint of who he was, and the life he lived. Glenn Beck brings clarity to this by contrasting the view of the Right vs. the Left of Dr. King. According to Beck, the right taught that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of God, while the left looked at the framework of his actions. Both are correct. Being a Civil Christian means that we all participate in the governing process. We have an obligation before God, to move in love.


In light of similar battles, Dr. King said this, “May I say a word to those of you who are struggling against this evil. Let me say to you to always struggle against it with Christian methods, and with Christian weapons. Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. Never succumb to the temptation of indulging in hate campaigns. You must, at all moments, move with wise constraint and all calm reasonableness. Keep pressing on, but press on with discipline and dignity and use only the weapon of love and let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”


We are seeing increasing events such as these take place on a wide-spread scale. In a discussion Glenn Beck had with David Barton, the founder of Wallbuilders, they dialogue about how the Church must respond in these critical moments. Comparably to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3, its “either bow or burn” for us today. Realistically, it’s always been this way. Only now, we are experiencing the inevitability of the matter.


We are experiencing the reality of the rising awareness of events that will either cause us to fold or stand. As this is not the first injustice that has been experienced in America, some have asked the question, “where is the Church in all of this?” Glenn Beck pondered the same question while he was dialoguing with Bishop Jim Lowe. Bishop Lowe reveals a striking reality. “It’s been easy to be a pastor at this point, at least white pastors, and black. A church that does not experience persecution needs to question itself, Am I preaching the entire truth?” It is easy to look at the events of history; World War II, the persecution of the Jews, and ask where was the church? The events that are transpiring now are happening today. 50 years from now, people will look back and ask the same question. This is our generation. This is our moment. This is the moment that we stand together, in unity in Christ, just as those who walked with Dr. King did.


God has speaking and revealing continually to warn us and prepare us for such a day as this. What are we going to do? Dr. King stated that ‘an injustice to anyone, anywhere, is an injustice to everyone everywhere’. We will be held accountable to how we respond, or how we don’t respond. Be deeply impacted and stirred as you hear the resounding call of response being proclaimed, more of the details of what transpired in South Carolina, wisdom on how to respond as the Church in this moment, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: David Barton, Glenn Beck, Black Robe Brigade, Black Robe Regiment, Civil Christianity, Just and Unjust Laws, Civil Disobedience, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Arch Duke Ferdinand, CBN, murder, evil, The Blaze, Civil Christianity, love, crisis, and prayer.
screen capture from CBN.com

Glenn Beck Program w David Barton & Bishop Jim Lowe




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