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Muslims Coming to Christ During Ramadan Dreams and Visions

Courtesy of arindambanerjee/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! This year, Ramadan, a time where Muslims seek a closer relationship and encounter with allah, will take place June 18th – July 17th. What some may not be aware of, more muslims are coming to Jesus Christ than any other time in the 1400 year history of Islam. CBN is reporting how Muslims are fasting and praying during this month. As Christians, we can pray for the Muslim world to encounter the One True God, Jesus Christ. This is a powerful and vital opportunity to pray while many Muslim heart are open to experiencing an encounter with God.

In Muslim dominant countries like Algeria and Morocco, she stated, approximately 80% of Muslims who are turning to Christianity are experiencing Jesus in dreams and visions. As the Body of Christ, we can compound these experiences and encounters by asking God to reveal Himself more to the Muslim population. Todd Nettleton and The Voice of the Martyrs have released a booklet as to how to pray specifically during these 30 days.

In our changing and dynamic generation, it is media such as radio and television that is allowing to go forth into these nations. One woman even expresses how she was watching Christian testimonies being shared when she went into a vision. God was pointing to a man. As soon as she looked, at who she knew to be Abraham, she knew that Jesus was the Son of God who was offered up and sacrificed for all mankind.

Allow these powerful testimonies to stir your faith and be greatly encouraged as you hear of the mighty revivals, baptisms, and souls being won to Jesus Christ throughout the Islamic word, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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