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Home » WATCH! High School Student Suspended Three Times for Gospel Wins Court Case: First Amendment Freedom of Speech

WATCH! High School Student Suspended Three Times for Gospel Wins Court Case: First Amendment Freedom of Speech

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LISTEN NOW! There are many reasons that a student can face disciplinary action and be suspended from school; fighting, profanity, etc.; But, preaching? High school student, Michael Leal, has not only been suspended once, not twice, but three times from his high school for preaching and sharing tracts while at school. As Leal shares his own testimony, he reminds us of the powerful reality with these words, “Some people speak about other things, I speak about God. But, in the end, we’re all speaking and we all have that freedom of speech, and I think it’s important that we all have free speech.”

There is a tenacity that we must get in the face of opposition, regardless of what or who comes against us, when we are simply speaking the true words of Jesus, in love. If we are not speaking with the same driving force as Leal expresses, we have to ask ourselves, “What is keeping me from speaking?” “What am I afraid of?” Be greatly encouraged and stirred as you hear these important and provoking words from Leal, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: high school suspension, free speech, Constitution, the Pacific Justice Institute, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, boldness, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Suspended for Preaching at School
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