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Home » Will the Attacks on Israel ever Stop? Israel still Blesses the World

Will the Attacks on Israel ever Stop? Israel still Blesses the World

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LISTEN NOW! Often times, after only a few months, we tend to forget the events of history as daily we are bombarded with so much information. It was only a little more than a year ago that Israel was defending itself when it entered into Operation Protective Edge with its nearest neighbors to the West in the Gaza Strip. CBN brought to light that the enemies of Israel long rage goal was the killing of Israel and the Jews?

By only looking at Israel through the lens of the International community, we can get a one-sided view of the events taking place involving Israel. But, by looking at Israel from Israel’s perspective, there is a vastly different perspective to be found. In Genesis 22, God speaks to Abraham in regards to his descendants that would soon become Israel. Verse 18 states, “and through your offspring, all nations on earth will be blessed…” This is truly a reality. Just by looking at some of the agricultural developments currently taking place within Israel, you will be amazed and shocked as you realize, everything that is talked about and said about Israel is not necessarily true. How could anyone not stand with Israel?

Be greatly encouraged as you get a Biblical perspective behind the nation of Israel,  and how not only Israel is blessing the people within the nation, but also how the nations of the world are being blessed by Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Israel, anti-Semitism, Hamas, Operation Protective Edge, Palestinians, Made in Israel, David Ben Gurion, Hutzpah, solar power, White House Interview, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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