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Home » Jesus Paid the Price, The Cross, Authority, Power and Revival

Jesus Paid the Price, The Cross, Authority, Power and Revival



LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Persecution against Christians in the world is increasing. Currently in China, crosses are being removed by officials. How is the Church responding? Believers are literally tying themselves to crosses as a bold stand for Christ in the face of such persecution. For some in America, the Cross is viewed as merely jewelry and a fashion statement. How differently would the realities be in America if we responded the same way to the power of the Cross and the finished work that Jesus underwent for all of mankind?
When we look at the message of the Cross demonstrated by Jesus Christ and His disciples, the message was simple: the Cross, the Blood, and repentance. Jesus left the very splendors of heaven in order to walk in the frailty of our human frame, in the will of the Father, in order to be a sin offering for us that we could have relationship with the Father. Every problem in the world was handled upon the Cross. Is this how we view the Cross? Is this how we view the words of Jesus? When we read the very words of God in the Bible, often times we can do so seeking information. That is not God’s intention. It is not about receiving information, but revelation. Jesus came to reveal to us, the heart of His Father.


As Jesus walked and shared the truth of who the Father was, He stated in Matthew 28 “All authority in heaven has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations….” He also stated “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” in Luke 24:49. There is a difference between authority and power. The words that Jesus shares are truth. What we think and what we say are not always in agreement with what Jesus said. Whatever it is that we are saying, we must align it to scripture with what the Bible says. We cannot walk in that authority, or walk in that power, until we walk in agreement with what Jesus says.


What would happen if we walked solely in agreement with what God says about us? What would happen if we removed everything from our lives that hinders God’s presence? What would the outcome be if we got rid of everything that is contrary to the word of God? If we desire to be a witness and be a part of the Book of Acts in our generation, a Third Great Awakening, we must be willing to go through what the disciples went through. Frank Bartleman from the Azusa Street Revival said it this way, “The depth of your repentance will determine the height of your revival”.


This is our moment to walk out our journey before the eyes of the Lord. How we respond to His word and to His voice matters. Today we have the blessing of being able to get rid of every comfort and convenience and seek the heart of God. Be greatly challenged and encouraged as you let these truths and words stir your hunger for God, and so much more. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Image ourtesy of Steve Collender /shutterstock.com




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