Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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My name is Chris Hamilton let me tell you my story…



My name is Chris Hamilton let me tell you my story…

Growing up, I didn’t really know who God was or Jesus for that matter. I heard his name mentioned a couple of times a year from the Catholic school I attended, generally around Easter.

My mother raised my brother and I, pretty much all alone. My parents divorced when I was 8 and even when my father was around which wasn’t very often he was pretty abusive. But once he was gone my brother became abusive towards me. However we are very close now. I consider him my best friend.

As I grew up I became very rebellious and got into all kinds of trouble with drugs and was a borderline alcoholic. By the age of 18, I had a son with a girl who was worse off than I was. Our relationship didn’t last long. And once it was over she kept my son from me. It took months to finally be able to see him again.

Then, in 1993 I was 19 and my life was changed forever. I had a stroke, which was caused by a brain aneurism, which left the left side of my body paralyzed. I spent about 3 weeks in the hospital and rehab. I basically would have to drag myself down the halls of the hospital to get to rehab. Once they released me I had some use of my arm and leg back but they told me I would never be able to walk without the use of a cane. As you could imagine from that point things got worse. My hand was pretty much useless I couldn’t even dress myself. I had to have my mother button my pants, shirts, even tie my shoes. She took me to dinner one night and I had to have her cut up my food. I was so humiliated by that experience. After that it was all I could do to just leave my house. I started seeing a psychiatrist for depression and suicidal thoughts. I was on something like 6 different medications for, depression, migraines, seizure, and so on. And while taking all these meds I was drinking again, back to doing drugs. I was a mess. I didn’t care if I lived or died. I didn’t even believe in God at this point.

I tried going back to work but I couldn’t keep a job due to health reasons. I was in and out of relationships. I was a miserable person and made those around me miserable. This went on for about 4 years and during this time my brother got saved. He witnessed to my mother and I and we went to church a few times but after awhile I would find reasons not to go and so continued my life of doing wrong, sin as I now know it’s called. I had become very angry and abusive to those I loved most and again out of work. I felt like I had hit bottom. Then out of the blue, my brother called me. It had been about a year since we had spoken. He had his own business and asked me if I wanted a job. Reluctantly I accepted and went to work for him. One day he asked me “so, how are things going?” I felt compelled and began to spill my guts. I told him how terrible life was and after I finished he asked me, “If there was anything you could do to fix it, no matter what it was, would you do it?” Of course I said yes. Then there was this long pause… Well what is it? I said. He said, “ You know what it is”. I can’t explain it, but at that point I knew that I needed God in my life. Father God was calling me to Himself.

There was a knowing in my heart that I needed God, but it wasn’t until one night I was going to a men’s group that I for the first time turned on Christian radio and the first thing I heard was the Power Verse of the Day, which was, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12 Attending a gathering of men was a huge test for me because I still struggled with leaving the house let alone being around people and people that I didn’t really know, because of having a fear of man in my life, especially a group of men. So I knew then that it was God speaking to me through the radio. I was stoked. I drove to the meeting but no one was there, the meeting had been cancelled. I was so excited about what happened I didn’t care. I went to my brother’s and shared with him what happened. We rejoiced together and the next day October 8, 1998, I was in my living room and just between God, and me I accepted Jesus as the Lord of my Life. I meet my Father, Father God! Through His Son, Jesus, Who made it possible to even happen!

Soon after, God began to heal my heart, mind and body. I no longer take medications; I do not use a cane to walk. I can dress myself and tie my own shoes. I’ve been to conferences where there have been thousands of people. I’ve spoken on stage. God has given me custody of my son, after I, in faith dedicated him to God. He gave me a house for me and my son, yes, gave!!! He gave me my life by giving his. So I now have given my life to him and He is using me in an awesome ministry.

I now have a wife who loves God that He brought to me from Martha’s Vineyard all the way to Florida and who supports me to do ministry; we have four lovely children. Two years ago God gave us a brand new just built home for, get this, half price. I also am a supervisor at my place of employment where I have been now for the last five years and they said I’d never be able to walk or function! God is so good and able to heal to the uttermost!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:11-14

Truly God has restored all the years the locusts have devoured. It is an honor and a blessing to be able to serve my Father God with my life and my life to come.

If you’d like to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your life as I did read more.


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