Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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My name is Marjane Hamilton let me tell you my story…



My name is Marjane Hamilton let me tell you my story…

I was born and raised on Martha’s Vineyard. I lived my younger years in a family with both parents. We attended a small Christian church with what I remember as people who really loved the Lord. My parents did bible studies, we worshiped with them, talked about the Lord but we were a family falling apart. Almost nightly my brother, two sisters and I listened to violent fighting from my parents.

My parents were divorced when I was 10 and the church we attended fell apart. After the divorce we began going to the catholic church and living a life contrary to God. I was in relationships I should not have been in. I became lost looking for love and trying to fit in. A feeling of non-acceptance and a fear of rejection tormented me. When I was in the 8th grade I went on a youth retreat where I had a difficult time understanding why I could not just talk to God himself to ask for forgiveness. At this point in my life nothing made sense; going to a man, priest, to ask for forgiveness that made no sense. I did not trust men because they had always hurt me. I had no relationship with my dad and did not realize at the time I even needed one.

When I was 23 I met someone with whom I had two children. I thought it was okay because I had seen most of my life people who say there were Christian’s livings contrary to God’s word. I was very unhappy with him. I was always moving back and forth from the Vineyard to New Bedford where I was living with him in the projects. I remember one day I was staring out the window crying out for God to rescue me. I knew that there was more; only I had no idea how to get it. I was scared many times due to my children’s father’s drug abuse and I wanted a way out. I knew to a point God loved me but I had no idea how to reach Him or if He would even care to hear my cries. It was then I began seeking after Him. I would go down to the beach with my children and spend time praying and worshipping God. God began to speak to me. It was one of the most peaceful times of my life.

My family had moved to Pensacola, Florida to attend bible school. I would come to visit from time to time and attend church with them. Each time I could feel the love of Christ. I was water baptized at a Pensacola Church while there. When my daughter was 10 months old I came to Pensacola for another visit and little did I know that I’d never be the same again. I went to the church my sister was going to which happened to be Living Stones Fellowship which now is Vine Fellowship Network. I had asked the Lord prior to my coming to bring me the man He wanted me to marry. It was that night at Living Stones I met my future husband and I never left.

I began to be discipled by Brother Greg and Donna Lancaster and was finally at a place in my life where I had found the One true God, My Savior Jesus Christ. It was from that moment I walked through the doors of Living Stones Fellowship that I knew in my spirit I was home and had finally found the love of Christ that for years I had searched for in all the wrong places.

I was married almost 2 years later and have been married for 6 years now. I stand with and help my husband in ministry with Vine Fellowship Network and we now have 4 beautiful children together.

If you’d like to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your life as I did read more.


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