Called to Be Children of the Light: As Darkness Gets Darker the Light Get Brighter
When we look back at the time of Rome and the persecution of the Church in the Book of Acts, we can witness the crowds that came against the Church with such tenacity and fury. It was pure hatred. This same crowd is alive and well today and it is coming against the Church in the same manner. When speaking with Jim Bakker, this is exactly what Rabbi Jonathan Cahn expresses that is happening today. The encouraging truth to be had in this reality is this: if persecution is alive as it was in the days of Rome, so is the power of God upon His Church as it was in the Book of Acts. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn continues to share profound truths into what is taking place today and an insightful perspective about Rome and the Arch of Titus.
It is true, the darkness upon the land is increasing; but then, the light in the world will get brighter! It is said that the number of Christians is decreasing. In these challenging times, we are seeing the “greys” in the Church becoming less and less. There is no more time for “maybe’s” in Christ. The only reason we would see the numbers of Christians decreasing is that what we may of identified as Christian not a Christian. There may have been a form of godliness, or someone may have had a relationship with religion, but there was never a relationship with Jesus Christ. When talking to His disciples, Jesus spoke in parables and stories to explain the Kingdom. Jesus shared a story about seed and different soils, that represented the Gospel being sown into the hearts of men. In Matthew 13:20-21 Jesus said, “The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.” Persecution is coming. It is in this reality that we find out who is truly WITH Jesus.
We cannot love both the Light of Jesus Christ and the darkness of the world. In Isaiah 60:1-3, the Bible says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” As darkness increases upon the face of the Earth, the light of Jesus Christ that shines within the hearts of men and women who have made Him the Lord of their lives will shine brighter than ever before. This is how we respond, as the Church, in these days of increasing darkness: be the light of the world!
Be greatly encouraged and stirred to walk as God has called you to walk in the truth and power of who you are in Christ Jesus, see the hope as to how to respond when darkness is all around you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: darkness, evil, religion, repentance, Children of the Light, Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham, Smith Wigglesworth, Pentecost, persecution, Book of Acts, lampstands, repentance, and The Glory of God. Greg and John shared in this segment.