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Home » Americanism vs. Communism: What is the difference?
LISTEN NOW! It is said that a people that does not know their history, is bound to repeat it. In 1948, Harding College released an insightful video about the importance of freedom and those “ISMS” that would seek to come to destroy those very freedoms. What are these “ISMS”? Socialism and Communism. In generations past, America taught our students these subjects and the difference between them and Americanism. There is a huge difference between Communism, Socialism, and Americanism.
As Harding College shows in their video, there are growing divisions and tensions between businesses, labor, elected officials, and farmers. There would appear to be no answer, other than when one single smooth-talking man offers a “fix-all” product: “ISMS”. Upon the initial glance, it appeared to provide the answers that everyone was looking for, “…higher wages…enormous profits…government control…and bigger crops…”. What was the cost? Freedom. The response was a warning that still applies today; “When anybody preaches disunity and tries to pit one of us against the other, through class warfare, race hatred, or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives.”
Communism was the guise that Pol Pot used in order to carry out the killing fields that resulted in millions of lives lost in Cambodia. Understanding the very beginnings of the United States allows us to see these truths and helps us to see the evils of Socialism and Communism for what they are. Watch this simple video and be encouraged as you are reminded of the very freedoms that we have in America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: labor force, unions, corporation, Pol Pot, Pink Room, Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

courtesy of  Tashatuvango/shutterstock.com



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