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Home » Powerful Conversation with Art Thomas: Paid in Full Healing Activation part 1

Powerful Conversation with Art Thomas: Paid in Full Healing Activation part 1


LISTEN NOW! When the word of healing is brought up in a conversation, or pondered, often times these realities may seem to be done through one individual, “the evangelist”. But, when we look at what Jesus said in John 14:12, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” By looking at the words of Jesus, we see a massive difference between what is perceived by us and what is expected of us. Jesus said “whoever believes”. That means that healing is for everyone. To think that we, believers in Jesus Christ, will actually carry out greater miracles than Jesus can be a startling thought! What does it mean to be activated? That is exactly the question that Art Thomas and his co-authors set out to answer in their book, Paid in Full Healing Ministry Activation Manual.
In a friendly conversation with Art Thomas, he shares deeper truths and perspectives in each areas of the book. As a reader goes through each of these pages, you quickly learn that these topics and subjects come not simply from ideas, but from experience. Art has traveled extensively training and equipping others to walk out these truths. In the last 4 years, he has witnessed over 3,000 miracles. The riveting reality to this, is that these were not the results of his prayers, but of others that prayed. This is exactly what Jesus calls us to do in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you….” 
In America, there are plenty of comforts and conveniences that can lull us to sleep. But, by looking at the Book of Acts, we witness the Church doing extraordinary exploits for the Kingdom. Why? They simply responded in obedience to Jesus when He said to go. We cannot expect that everything will go well with us by simply hearing and listening to the Word of God without any response and action. James 1:22 describes this as “deceiving ourselves”. Art shares a powerful revelation about this truth. In Luke 6:48, Jesus talks about a man who has built a house on a rock that stood amidst the storm. Often times, “The Rock” is perceived as being Jesus or the Word of God. Art shares how this is not true. By looking at what Jesus says in Matthew 7:24, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” We have to put what we’ve learned into action. The rain came upon both. It is only those who respond in obedience that will stand when the rain comes.
As people step out on Jesus’ words and begin to pray for people and lay hands on sick people, some are going to encounter discouragement. This very reality was experienced by the disciples in Matthew 17:14-20 when a young boy possessed by a demon was brought to them. When the disciples were unable to heal the boy they asked Jesus why. Jesus responded saying, “Because of the littleness of your faith”. Mark 9:14 highlights that the disciples were arguing with the teachers of the law because of these results. Art brings to light the often reality that when there is a lack of results, it results in arguments. Never lift your experience above your faith in God.
As an additional response, Jesus continued by saying in Matthew 17:21, “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” With these very words in mind, Jesus did not pray and fast before he healed the boy, He simply rebuked the demon and the boy was healed. The lack of food was not the reason Jesus was able to heal the boy; it was because He was in relationship with The Father. Each of us need to be walking in relational intimacy with God. By having this abiding relationship with God, Art shares, ‘This is where faith happens. This is where trust happens.’
This highlights the truth of who and where we derive our identity from. If we look at one’s ministry, or the “number of healings that occur” there are going to be many ups and downs and our emotions and response will reflect that. We must remember to never put our identity in the healing themselves, never what others say about us, or even what we say about ourselves. Our identity must only be from what Jesus says about us. From that perspective, it doesn’t matter what does or does not happen when we pray for one another.

Watch and listen to the entire dialogue as you are greatly encouraged about the life that Jesus has called you to walk out, allow your mind to be renewed as you encounter thoughts and words that aren’t based on what Jesus said, and step out in faith as you are strengthened in the reminder of what Jesus DID say, and so much more. Greg and Art shared in this program.




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Mark16:17-18, John14:12, Isaiah53, Matthew8:5-13, James5:15, Luke6:46-48, James1:22-25, Matthew10:8, Matthew28:19-20, Ephesians2:6, Revelation12:11, 1Corinthians 2:4

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