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Home » The 800 year Anniversary of the Magna Carta: How has this Iconic Document Inspired the American Constitution?

The 800 year Anniversary of the Magna Carta: How has this Iconic Document Inspired the American Constitution?


LISTEN NOW! This year, 2015, marks a significant event: the 800 year anniversary of the Magna Carta. Most are unaware of this profound slice of history. CBN has brought to light the remembrance of what took place 800 years ago.  In the year 1215, London experienced harsh rule and dictatorship under King John. He was an unmerciful and greedy man. King John tripled the taxes and repeatedly abused the rights of individuals. When the people could take no more, they arose and forced the King to make some changes. The resulting peace agreement is what is now known as the Magna Carta.
The Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee, Sir Robert Worcester, emphasized the importance of the Magna Carta by stating, “8 of the 10 in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution to the United States are straight from Magna Carta.” Because of the realities of the Magna Carta, it caused “the elimination of the right of divine rule of a king”. King John could no longer rule and oppress his people as previously done. If we do not know our history, we are bound to repeat it.

There was a group of people that stood up in their time in the face of evil leadership, and stood up for what was right. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a great example of how we ourselves can walk out similar lives. Dr. King said, “I’m holding you to what is written on the paper.” He was referring to the Constitution. As The Church, we must walk within the limitations of both The Constitution and The Word of God. Be greatly encouraged as you hear the profound implications of how the Magna Carta brought freedom to a people, how they stood up for truth, and how we must respond similarly, and so much more. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

courtesy of David Smart /shutterstock.com


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