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Home » 4th Police Officer Murdered in 9 Days! This has to Stop, It’s Time to turn Back to God and Honor those in Authority

4th Police Officer Murdered in 9 Days! This has to Stop, It’s Time to turn Back to God and Honor those in Authority



LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! With another headline of a law enforcement officer being killed, this makes 4 officers killed in the last 9 days. Deputy Darren Goforth, a 10 year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office in Texas, was recently savagely murdered while he was pumping gas. According to Reuters, a man approached him from behind shooting Goforth 15 times, fatally killing him. In response to the travesty, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said, “In my 45 years in law enforcement, I can’t recall another incident so cold-blooded and cowardly.”When law enforcement officer Lt. Charles Joseph “G.I. Joe” Gliniewicz in Fox Lake, IL responded to three men in an industrial area, he called for backup. USA Today reports, “The responding officers got to the area six minutes later, according to police. The responding officers found Gliniewicz’s body lying in a marshy area.” In addition, 2 more deaths have recently took place: Senior Trooper Steven Vincent in Bell City, VA and Officer Henry Nelson in Sunset, LA.
This is not simply an attack on these law enforcement officers, this is an all out attack on the authority that has been established in America. The chants being heard in America against our law enforcement officers, plainly put, simply do not need to be repeated. As the Church, we do not want to profile police officers, we cannot profile our police officers. We cannot profile anyone.  In May of this year, 1000 weapons were seized at a Texas restaurant when gangs were passing through, planning a shootout. At this time last year reports were made known of teenagers attacking a park ranger by openly kicking him in the head.  This mindset against the authority in the land is building and becoming more and more prevalent. We must not buy into the repeated lies that are being promulgated across media platforms.
The lie being shouted and blindly repeated is coming against those that protect our streets. These are the very streets of our cities, the places where our children play, where our businesses are, and where our very own neighborhoods are. How many people put their children to bed safely, and they themselves rest peacefully at night because of those men and women who faithfully don their uniforms to patrol our streets?
There are a lot of good and well-hearted police officers that make up the ranks of services throughout America. During a Community Day in a Maryland City, a law enforcement officer responds in his own way to activity within a crowd. Not in the sense one may surmise. What was the officer responding to? Double Dutch! In a video that you must see, this highlights the hearts and genuineness of those that keep our streets safe. When a 15 year old young man wants to sit in the local law enforcement’s police Humvee for his birthday, the Porter Dale Police Department responds in a way that will cause him to have a birthday that he will never forget.
Romans 13:1-2 brings all of these realities into context stating, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted…” We need to pray for our law enforcement officers, pray for our communities. Now is not the time to turn our ears to what is being repeated across the land but to turn our hearts back to God.


Watch and hear the full reports of what is taking place in this critical hour, a Biblical perspective of those men and women who patrol our streets to keep each of us safe, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Twitter, social media, confrontation, division, lawlessness, Twin Peaks, gangs, justice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., naivety, fear, wisdom, weapons, arrests, Waco, Texas, Pensacola Chief of Police David Alexander, birthdays, and genuineness. John and Steve shared in this segment. 
Image courtesy of carl ballou/shutterstock.com



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