LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! No matter what takes place in the world, it’s important to remind ourselves that God is still in control. Amidst an impoverished economy, “average monthly government salary is $20, and professionals typically make less than $50”, the Church in Cuba is experience explosive growth that many are describing as to what took place in the Book of Acts. As believers were told they were not allowed to build any more buildings, they were forced to meet in their homes. One man shares how 80-100 people are meeting in his apartment. Pastor “Rosa” continues by stating, “People here don’t care how comfortable they are. They could be exhausted from working all day and they will sit on a bag of rocks, a stitched up chair, or stand the whole service. They are OK with that.”
LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! No matter what takes place in the world, it’s important to remind ourselves that God is still in control. Amidst an impoverished economy, “average monthly government salary is $20, and professionals typically make less than $50”, the Church in Cuba is experience explosive growth that many are describing as to what took place in the Book of Acts. As believers were told they were not allowed to build any more buildings, they were forced to meet in their homes. One man shares how 80-100 people are meeting in his apartment. Pastor “Rosa” continues by stating, “People here don’t care how comfortable they are. They could be exhausted from working all day and they will sit on a bag of rocks, a stitched up chair, or stand the whole service. They are OK with that.”
While there is suffering and difficulty being experienced because of the lack of average resources in the nation, the characteristics of the Church in Cuba sets itself apart from these realities. “Cuban churches are known for their generosity and willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel.” When people realized that they could no longer look to government for help, they looked to the Church. This is a realization and truth that each of us must respond to. When hardship and difficulty do happen, do we have the answer for them? Do we know Jesus Christ? Can we guide others to hear and know the voice of Jesus Christ instead of taking them to someone else? God is doing miraculous and exciting things in our day. You can take this moment and be greatly encouraged to not only watch what is happening, but to walk out these same truths in your own life. Watch the full story of what is taking place, and so much more. John and Steve shared in this segment.
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screen capture from CBNnewscom
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