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Are Immigrants the Catalyst for Revival in America?; and The Prayer Movement in China



The NEW PILGRIMS: Are Immigrants the Catalyst for Revival in America?
 Many media sources and outlets that have been voicing concern about the immigration crisis in America. There have been many topics of discussion regarding the porous Southern border of the United States and there are many concerns of the broken immigration system in America. These are valid topics that are being debated in the present day. What should the Church be discussing? What should the Church concerns be regarding the growing immigrants in America? This is the very premise of Dr. Castleberry’s new book, The New Pilgrims: How Immigrants are Renewing America’s Faith and Values. In a discussion with CBN, Castleberry shares the profound reminder that “…being American isn’t having a certain ethnic identity. It’s about sharing American values…” Are those who are immigrating to America coming because the Church has not gone to the nations? Those who are coming are hungry for Jesus Christ.
It is an important reminder that the Bible describes in detail the makeup of the very people that surround the throne of God. Revelation 7:9 gives a visual to this truth, “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” As the Church, we are called to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nations, to ALL people. How differently would we respond to people if we saw them how God saw them, and not how culture perceives them? Allow your faith to be stirred and your excitement to rise as you see the magnitude of what God is doing in your generation, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: immigration, the harvest, love, evangelism, eternity, New York Central Park, New Jersey, and divine appointments. John and Steve shared in this segment.  
NON STOP Prayer Movement in CHINA: China Approaching to be the Largest Christian Nation?
 As China has been in the headlines, the reality of it being a communist nation is often the primary reality of what is shared. What some may not be aware of is the explosive growth rate that the Church is experiencing. According to reports, there are over 130 million believers in China. That is nearly half of the population of the United States. A 24/7 prayer movement is moving powerfully through the heart of China. According to CBN, “…Christianity is now the fastest growing religion…” in China. China is also, reportedly, an atheist nation. In her own words, Ha Bining, had a dream “that someday we would build a Church focused on prayer for China and the world.”Fast forward to present day and 70 churches have been involved in this gathering, with over 100 countries taking part in this massive global prayer movement. The Kingdom is not subjective to what takes place in the governments of the world.

Not only is this powerful movement of the Holy Spirit transforming China, but it is also going beyond the borders of China and into the nations of the world. In what is called “Back to Jerusalem” believers are sharing the love of Jesus Christ in every nation between China and Jerusalem. It is these very countries that are labeled the “10/40 Window” as the nations that are within the 10th and 40thparallel of the equator. It is these countries that make up 90% of the unreached population in the world. With the growing technology, advancement of the Gospel, and powerful movements of the Holy Spirit, allow your eyes to be opened to the magnitude and truth of the powerful generation that God has called you to be a part of, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Great Commission, the nations, evangelism, persecution, China, The Heavenly Man, GPS, and The Kingdom. John and Steve shared in this segment.  

Image Courtesy of oneinchpunch/shutterstock.com

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