LISTEN NOW! According to George Barna, “over $1.3 million dollars are spent per baptized believer”. When we look at the present state of the Church in Western culture we see a stark comparison when we look at the explosion of Church growth that has taken place in Cuba when most are living on an average of $30 a month. What are we doing? In our present reality, there is so much that each of us can do. It’s not about the buildings, the carpet or the programs. The question is, what we are doing for the people. It’s time that we begin to re-think what “Church” is as Jesus originally made it known through His disciples. Let your faith be challenged and stirred as you see how simple Jesus designed these truths to be, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: relationships, Cuba, mindsets, homes, and Vine Seminars.
Courtesy of Ivelin Radkov /
Explosive Church Growth in Cuba; Following Simple Biblical Truth
Prophesy- Revival Coming to Cuba
Suffering in Cuba Has Produced Massive Church Growth with no signs of Slowing Down
Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church – It’s like the Church of Acts: dreams, visions, miracles, healings
House Church or CHURCH that meets in the House: A Big Difference!
Back to Basics for the Church
Rethinking Church- Not Us and Them, Just US
Church is an Organism, not an Organization
Re -Thinking Church- Vision for the Outside
Re –Thinking Church Revisited
Re-Thinking Church – Stats say it isn’t Working
Re-thinking Church
Re-Thinking Church- Institutionalized, Confined, and Contented?
Rethinking Church: We made it Up, George Barna
Re-Thinking Church: God is a God of order but his name is not Robert