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Pray for the Persecuted Church

Persecuted Church Prayer
Father around the world Your sons and daughters, the Church; the body of Jesus, is being persecuted. They are being harassed and ran out of their homes, shot at, maimed, raped, enslaved, killed, and murdered. They are being terrorized; simply because of their unwavering stand for Your Son Jesus Christ as their Savior and their refusal to deny Him. Father, I ask for Your heart for the persecuted church and grace to carry Your burden for each of them. Jesus You said if they persecute one of us, members of Your Church, they are persecuting You. I ask that You would send angels to those being persecuted, for miraculous rescues from their captors, that they would be released, as You did for Peter when the church prayed. I pray that this persecution and our prayers would bring You much glory and praise during these moments. I ask that You would give our persecuted brothers and sisters grace to declare Your word with power and conviction, courageously and fearlessly. I ask for bountiful grace to be poured down upon them where they are. I read in Your Word that this persecution will only increase as You said specifically as it is a sign of the times of the last days. I pray that when the church is persecuted, it would multiply rapidly, as it did in the book of Acts and that the adversary would lose ground for harming or hindering Your body. I ask You for grace when I am persecuted; to preach Your love with boldness and power. For I want to know Christ in the fellowship of His sufferings and power. Give me grace in times of suffering for Christ, all for Your glory.
Pray they will stand firm in their faith (1 Pet 5:8-10). 
Pray they will not fear for themselves or their families; but trust God. (rev 2:10).
Pray they would not retaliate, but entrust themselves to our Righteous Judge and live in peace with everyone (Rom 12:17-21).
Pray they would rejoice, even in suffering (1 Peter 4:12-14).
Pray they would love and forgive those who persecute them (Mat 5:43,44; Luke 23:34, Col 3:13).
Pray they would keep their eyes on Jesus and not grow weary (Heb 12:1-3, 10:32-39).
Pray those who suffer great physical pain will be delivered by the Lord (2 Cor 1:9-11).
Pray they would proclaim the gospel, even when suffering ( 2 Tim 4:15-18).
Pray they would rely on the Lord’s strength and not their own (2 Cor 1:8-9).
Pray their oppressors will be saved, as Paul did (Acts 9:1-9).
Pray Bibles and Christian literature will reach needy areas (Ps 119:42-43).
Pray leaders of persecuted churches will continue to be faithful (2 Peter 5:1-4).
Pray Christians who have religious freedom will understand what it means to suffer with other members of God’s family (1 Cor 12:26), to speak out boldly and seek changes in the name of the Lord on behalf of persecuted believers (Prov 31:8-9), and to faithfully remember to pray for our Christian family worldwide who are in prison and suffering for their faith (Heb 13:3).
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Courtesy of Fresnel/shutterstock.com


Webstream for International Day of Prayer



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