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Home » Ezra Schwartz, 18 Year Old American Citizen Killed in Terrorist Attack while Visiting Israel

Ezra Schwartz, 18 Year Old American Citizen Killed in Terrorist Attack while Visiting Israel


LISTEN NOW! Israel has continually received visitors who travel looking to support and offer help any way possible. Ezra There is a narrative being promulgated that is trying to snuff out Israel. As an 18 year old American volunteer, Ezra Schwartz wanted to respond himself by travelling to Israel to do just that. Unbeknownst to him, his trip was about to cut drastically short. According to CBN, shots were fired into the car that Ezra was riding in on an Israeli road. He died along with 2 others. It was a somber and heartfelt moment to see the scene captured by those in attendance of Ezra’s friends gathered around his coffin singing Hatikva, Israel’s National Anthem.
Prior to September 11, 2001, the word “terrorism” was an unknown word. Today, we see a much different reality as terrorism is happening all across the globe. We must keep our eyes and our focus attentive to Israel. Where is the outcry of terrorism against the Jews? Why is there such an eerie silence when these type of events come against Israeli’s? May your heart be touched and your thoughts reminded of the integral reality of Israel, the need for us to continue to pray for Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, shooting, CBN, terrorism, narrative, and prayer. John shared in this segment.
Screen capture from cbn.com


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