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Home » WATCH! Handing out Global IDs; Vasser University allegedly Shredding Constitution


Giving the WORLD a Global Bio Metric Digital ID: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast 

When the United Nations convened for a meeting in September of 2014, the topics that were discussed may catch some by surprise. With the global refugee crisis continuing to unfold, the United Nations has resolved to tackle this issue with its own findings. According to WND, the United Nations is partnering with a private company to offer a solution – a new “universal” identification system that will comply with the United Nations’ sustainability goal of getting “legal” biometric IDs that include iris scans, photographs and fingerprints, “into the hands of everyone in the world by the year 2030.”
Does this seem far-fetched? Sound impossible? Just ask Nandan Nilekani, who heads India’s Unique Identification Authority. In a 2012 interview with CNN, Kilekani shares some of the startling progress taking place. “We have enrolled 200 million people in the last three years since the project began.” As a response to why this is being carried out. Nilekani expresses two major reasons; One is that we still have millions of people who don’t have a formal identity or acknowledgement of their existence by the state. And unless you have a formal acknowledgement or existence you can’t get a bank account or a loan… You can’t get your entitlements.”  Continuing the need for this technology, Nilekani expresses, “The other part is that the Indian government spends something like $60 billion a year on entitlements and benefits to millions of people. And they need to make sure it reaches the right beneficiaries.” In essence, this is a unique number for everyone. This is about the economy.
Right now, as thousands upon thousands of refugees are crossing borders in masses, many communities are concerned as they are being overrun. The concept of identifying and tracking the new flood of individuals is causing some to accept this idea of an identifiable application. When looking at the Book of Revelation, in the Bible, we can see an eternal understanding of what these events imply. Revelation 13:16-17 says, “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” These are the days that we are experiencing. If we are seeing the signs of the times, who are you letting know? Watch the full interviews and reports to see the reality of what is taking place now, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: United Nations, biometric identification, digital ID, George Soros, refugees, Holocaust, Rules for Radicals, Germany, Muslims, Mark of the Beast, End Times, wisdom, abiding, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Shredding the U.S. Constitution?

The political correctness that is taking place in our nation is steadily increasing. Project Veritas wanted to know just how deep these mindsets were being carried out. With what appears to be an undercover camera, Project Veritas presented quite a lofty claim and they wanted to see what the response would be. If someone expressed to you that they didn’t respond well to the sight of the Constitution; experienced symptoms of being sick because of it, what would be a reasonable response? Would you consider literally shredding the Constitution, a reasonable response? This is reportedly what took place at Vassar College when an investigative journalist shared, “as soon as I saw it, you know, I started to not be able to breathe, hyperventilating; my vision went blurry and I just kind of lost control.”
According to a video created by Project Veritas, Kelly Grab, the Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity at Vassar College asks, “Did you want to leave this with me? Or do you want to take it?” (Referring to the Constitution) The journalist presses, “Honestly, can we just like destroy-like is there like a shredder or something? Like, I think it might be really therapeutic.” When one would hope that any American citizen would think this is an outrageous claim and remind us exactly what the Constitution is, and what it stands for, Grab agrees with the claim and insists, “Yes, I think we have a shredder in the front office there.”

You have to wonder where these outrageous claims and mindsets are coming from on our college campuses. When you look at a recent statement made by a United States Supreme Court Justice, you may be surprised even more, or you may not be. Watch the full report to see what is taking place on our campuses, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The U.S. Constitution, political correctness, outdated, triggers, oppressive document, deception and truth. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Has the Outpouring of God’s Spirit Historically Come before Great Loss of Life?

History shares many vivid realities of what has taken place in our nation’s past. In World War I, the nation suffered a devastating loss when 38 million people lost their lives. Before these major events in history took place, just moments before God did a profound work that we are still talking about today the Azusa Street Revival. When you see the gloomy war and tensions of possibility coming, you can believe God for a great awakening. Allow your perspective to change as you see the stories and reality that history provides to us as to what can possibly take place today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: War, World War I, Azusa Street Revival, Great Awakening, knowledge of God, and hunger for God. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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