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WATCH! The VFNInterns Develop their Final Project: Their Own Program



The VFN Interns Develop their Final Project: Their Own Program
The VFNInternship has been a hands on journey for all of those involved. They have learned the beginning processes of all the different areas of producing an entire program; from creating content, time-coding, editing, producing, broadcasting, cameras, lighting, and so much more. The VFNInternship culminates with a final project of having to put everything together, all that they have learned and broadcast their own program.
A powerful move of God that happened more than 100 years ago, in 1906, is still affecting the world today. The Azusa Street Revival was birthed through a man named William J Seymour. His hunger for God pushed him through repeated events that would cause many to get offended. He would spend hours upon hours praying and seeking the Lord. When he was invited to a gathering to preach, he was kicked out only a week later; because of his skin color. Seymour was an African American who was desperate for the presence of God in his life.
God rewarded his faith as Seymour’s journey led to a small building on Azusa Street in Los Angeles California. Reportedly, the presence of God was so thick, that flames were seen running up and down the sides of the building. The fire department was known to have been called because those passing by thought the building was on fire. In this revival, God moved mightily through young people to carry out amazing miracles.  On one account, someone would place their finger in peoples’ mouths and teeth would grow back. One of those who is still carrying the flames of Azusa is Otis Clark. He is the oldest evangelist, at 107 years old. He continues to bring the fire of Azusa where ever his mission trips take him.
Continuing to this day, miracles are being carried out. One of the interns shares a powerful testimony of how God led him to pray for a woman in Walmart. When she entered Walmart, she had knee pain with multiple symptoms. After being prayed for, she was completely healed!

These are the days when God does great and mighty things. He is looking for those that have a passion for knowing Him and making an impact. These stories testify that we are not limited by our age. Whether we are 7 years old, or 107, God desires to use us mightily. Maybe the VFNInternship is for you. Allow your faith to be lifted and stirred as you hear the testimonies of each of the graduating interns, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: crutches, wheelchairs, prayer, fasting, discipleship, evangelism, abiding, God’s Not Dead 2, and faith. John and Steve shared in this segment.


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