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Home » What Did Rick Joyner mean by saying, “You are going to see the Body of Christ take on a Military Demeanor?”

What Did Rick Joyner mean by saying, “You are going to see the Body of Christ take on a Military Demeanor?”


LISTEN NOW! Rick Joyner has been a repeated prophetic voice to the Body of Christ that has brought continual encouragement. In a recent session of Morningstar Ministries’ ‘New Year 2016’ Conference, Joyner shared, “You are going to see the Body of Christ take on a military demeanor.” What does he mean by that?

It is important to understand that God is a God of order, not chaos, and not confusion. The enemy is working hard to divide those within the Kingdom of God. There must be order and understanding of authority. A simple understanding of military boot camp is a great example of this. At the onset, there can 50-70 individuals standing together. After a few short months, there are no more individuals, only one body. With the shout of one voice, every footstep together. This is a powerful demonstration of how the Body of Christ is supposed to respond to the commands of our Lord, walking in unity and agreement.

By looking at the powerful fighting force of a military unit, one can perceive it is because of their sheer numbers. This is not the case. By zooming into the specific relationships between those to their left and right, one can see that the strength is based on these “relationships”. Presently, the Church has focused on the mere massing of numbers and neglecting the importance of relationships with those to their left and right.

From the very first days of boot camp, the implementation and understanding of authority is taught. Before the feet of the senior commanding officer boards a ship, the entire ship is aware of it. This is how we are to acknowledge and respect authority. This is exactly what the Centurion expressed when he encountered Jesus. Because this military man understood the authority of Jesus, Jesus replied in Matthew 8:10, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Imagine the entire Body of Christ moving in such an understanding of this faith!

There are great and mighty days that are coming to the Body of Christ. Now is the time for each of us to seek the heart of God so that we can understand what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Call, Army of the Dawn, relationship, character, and purpose. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
courtesy of StockPhotosLV/shutterstock .com 



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