LISTEN NOW! The radio waves and media coverage of ISIS in the world is incessant. There have been repeated words downplaying the existence and threat of ISIS. The existence of ISIS is not something that we can ignore. How do groups such as ISIS make money? According to The Blaze, “Estimates suggest ISIS makes $900 million annually from taxation…$600 million a year from oil… and $35-45 million from ransoms in just one year”. How can America defeat an enemy that is calling for the destruction of America when the leadership of America refuses to acknowledge Radical Islam?
What is the response towards Radical Islam from the perspective of America’s leadership? U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, stated that “We in the administration and the government should give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country.” In his first international speech, President Barack Obama addressed Cairo University, stating, “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
With the President’s recent address to the American people from the Oval Office, now, more than ever, his comments about the existence of Radical Islam would be vital. In his brief speech, the President stated the name of ISIL twelve times in a thirteen minute speech. While outlining the strategy of involving America’s “strongest allies”, Israel was left out of this list and was not even acknowledged; at all. Why would the President choose to repeatedly identify “ISIL” opposed to “ISIS” and not even acknowledge Israel as an ally of America? To get a better understanding, it is imperative to understand what the very name of ISIL represents. Originally called IS, “The Islamic State”, was then termed, “ISIS”, “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” is now deemed, “ISIL”, “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”. The Levant encompasses the land directly East of the Mediterranean Sea stretching southward towards Egypt, North to Syria, and into Jordan. One critical country is at the center of this region: Israel. By repeatedly declaring ISIL, the President is in essence, agreeing with the vision of ISIS to eventually encompass the land of Israel. This is not good.
There is a narrative against Israel that is continually being promulgated. As the Church, we must remain vigilant in our prayers, both for President Obama and for the peace of Israel. Hear the entire report to see how so many of these dots that we are seeing today come together to reveal a clear picture of what is happening, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Glenn Beck, taxation, Radical Islam, terrorism, ransom, A NEW BEGINNING, Loretta Lynch, First Amendment, Second Amendment, Hezbollah, Hamas, The Ottoman Empire, and repentance. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Screen capture from youtube.com/The White House
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