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Home » Amidst the Coming Best of Times and Worst of times, God is Still in Control

Amidst the Coming Best of Times and Worst of times, God is Still in Control

LISTEN NOW! If we were to only take into consideration the headlines that are repeatedly coming across the daily news, then we would obviously get a one sided understanding about what is going. Looking at the present situation is not the whole story. It has been said that both the worst of times AND the best of times are upon us. Any mother fully understands this paradigm. There are obvious birthing pains that are on the horizon for an expectant mother. In this understanding, there is also the overwhelming joy of new life that comes as well. Looking across the globe, it is obvious to see that birthing pains are being experienced.

It is in these difficult experiences and moments of hardship that also bring about great times of joy. This is the understanding captured in Hebrews 12:2; “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” If we are to only focus on what ISIS is doing, then we are going to miss the full story.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, they came face to face with the dead end reality of the Red Sea. If that wasn’t bad enough, there was an approaching army that was seeking their destruction. Sound familiar? It was this reality that allowed a powerful demonstration of God being in control; the Red Sea parted, delivering God’s people. Terrorism is about striking up fear.

A similar situation of national security affected the life of David. When the shouts and provoking war cries of Goliath were heard, an entire nation was hiding in fear. David didn’t respond like everybody else, he confronted the threat and destroyed it. According to the reports around the many headlines, ISIS has a plan, but so did Goliath. The question is not what “plans are being spread”; the question is, “How are God’s people responding”? Be greatly encouraged as you are reminded that regardless of what men plan and conspire, God is still in control, looking for us to turn to Him, and so much more.  Also shared in this segment: Eternity, Daniel, integrity, Rick Joyner, Morningstar Ministries, Jonah, David and Goliath, and perspective. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

courtesy of Raywoo/shutterstock.com



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