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College Students Going Insane: Suicide Second Leading Cause of Death on College Campus


LISTEN NOW! There appears to be a mindset that is being pushed upon the students on college campuses that life is going to be easy and everything will be given to you. It doesn’t take long after college to realize that this is not the case. Life does not respond to any of us this way. According to a recent report, many college students are coming face to face with this reality while still in college. As a matter of fact, according to WND.com, ‘the second highest cause of death among college students is suicide.’ What is going on? We are witnessing a rise of a narcissistic, self-focused, rebellious generation upon our campuses.

When President Obama declared that Israel would have to go back to the indefensible borders of the 1967 lines, it was Chuck Pierce who prophesied that we would return to the atmosphere of 1967. It is a crazy reality to consider that one who is part of our nation’s leadership, Secretary of State John Kerry, was part of the rebellion in our nation against the Vietnam War in 1967. These are truly precarious days.

The innocence of our children is absolutely being robbed. We are sending our children to campuses for an education, costing upwards of $100,000, with nothing to show for it at the end. According to reports 70% of Christians will leave their faith after attending college, and 50% of Christians will leave their faith after attending a Christian College.

When we understand the plans of the Lord for this generation, we can get an accurate understanding of what we are now seeing coming against them; attacks of the enemy. The reason why this young generation is being attacked so hard is because God has a plan. A dream revealed a powerful visualization for us to consider the powerful acts of God’s presence and the coming revivals that are coming to our college campuses.

Be greatly encouraged as you hear the full story of what is taking place within the colleges of today, how you can encourage a student you may know, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: suicide, death, The Constitution, Cloward and Piven, student loans, basket weaving, bachelor’s degree, Asbury College Revival, Azusa Street Revival, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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