LISTEN NOW! On multiple occasions, Greece has been in the recent headlines about their defaulting economy and the financial hardships that are currently being encountered. Within Greece, there is a plan to spark economic growth. In one of Greece’s islands, Rhodes, plans for a statue is being created, Colossus of Rhodes. This is a giant false god being erected at the cost of $283 million. Instead of turning to God, they are turning to false gods.
Understanding that the answer to problems within any nations cannot be solved horizontally, but only vertically through the hand of God, Franklin Graham is leading the charge to awaken Christians to the importance of this election year. The tour is being called, “Decision America 2016” and it is calling Christians to vote morally, and praying for God’s divine intervention. See the full story of how nations are looking to respond to their situations, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: architects, engineers, false gods, prayer, repentance, humility, and voting. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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