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Home » Law Enforcement Seeking Specialized Urban Warfare and Counter Terrorism Training in Arkansas

Law Enforcement Seeking Specialized Urban Warfare and Counter Terrorism Training in Arkansas

LISTEN NOW! As the growing concern of rising evil in America is being realized each and every day, we must remember those who protect our freedoms and serve to keep our safety; our law enforcement agencies. Tragedy has struck the streets of Philadelphia when an armed man approached a police officer sitting in cruiser and fired at least 13 rounds directly at the officer. According to CBN,  Edward Archer told investigators, ‘He was following Allah and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and he believed the police department defends the laws that are contrary to Islam.’
Law enforcement agencies are recognizing the growing threat of terrorism in America and preparing accordingly. Founded by former Green Beret, Rich Mason, The Direct Action Resource Center, provides the adequate training and facilities for law enforcement agencies to replicate the scenarios that have been realized in the world. CBN reports what founder Rich Mason says about the facility, ““This course is designed to defeat a multi-cell attack, similar to Paris, but actually worse in scale.”
See the events that are unfolding today as well as the first-hand visuals of how agencies are responding to fight against these threats, and so much more. Also shared in this segment:   Radical Islam, terrorism, counter terrorism, Urban Warfare, CBN, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Screen Capture from CBN.com



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