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Holocaust Remembrance Day! Never AGAIN


LISTEN NOW! If we do not learn the lessons of our past, we are doomed to repeat them. As The Church, we must stand up for the oppressed and the wrongs that have been done. One of these horrific events in our past is the atrocity of the Holocaust. During the Holocaust, more than 6 million Jews were killed, at the hands of Nazi Germany. It was during this time that Jews were targeted strictly because of the fact that they were Jewish. We must be numbered righteous among the nations in this hour, and stand, unapologetically for Israel.

January 27th marked this day of remembrance. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has continually spoken out against the evilness that took place during this time. Netanyahu shared that, “preserving the memory of the Holocaust was more important than ever…It is commemorations like this that remind us all where the oldest and most enduring hate can lead.” Netanyahu reminds us that the present attacks happening against Jews in Europe is synonymous to what took place against Jews in the 1930’s and 40’s. “In Europe, and elsewhere, Jews are once again being targeted, just for being Jews. Israel is targeted with the same slurs and the same rivals that were leveled against the Jewish people since time in memorial.”


In moments such as this, the international community continues to be silent in regards to sharing an accurate viewpoint about Israel. Netanyahu highlights this sad reality when he states, “While across the region, Islamist militants brutalize entire populations, enslave and rape women, murder Christians and gays, the U.N. Human Rights Council repeatedly condemns Israel. More than North Korea, more than Iran, more than Syria, more than all of them put together…”

A momentous point of history to remember is that the United Nations was created after the realities of the Holocaust were realized. It was created to stop such events from happening again. The Prime Minister has brazenly reminded the United Nations General Assembly that their voices must be heard. Instead there has been deafening silence from this gathering of leaders when Iran has repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel. He emphasized his point by standing silently behind the podium for 45 seconds.

Chairman of the Yad Vashem, Avner Shalner, declared these weighty truths,

“Nazi Germany and its corroborators had murdered 1/3 of the Jewish people. The extermination of 6 million Jews in Europe was motivated and driven by murderous, racist, anti-Semitic Ideology, that viewed all Jews, everywhere in the world as a lethal danger to the German nation and to Germany’s New World Order. So, every last Jew, everywhere had to be destroyed at any cost”


When we speak of the word racism, we understand the reality of evil that word represents and the outright evil towards one particular race. But, for some reason, when speaking about evil hatred towards the Jewish people, the word ‘racism’ isn’t used. Instead, the word ‘anti-Semitism” is applied. To the untrained eye, and uneducated, this word simply does not appear to have the same meaning. In reality, ‘anti-Semitism’ IS RACISM against the Jews. The current BDS Movement that is being championed by voices across the United States and Europe, IS RACISM!


If we do not know our history, we are bound to repeat it and don’t know that we are repeating it. Israel is less than the size of New Jersey. The fact that so many nations repeatedly come against the State of Israel, prove that this is God’s land. Israel still remains today. To be on the opposite side of Israel is to be on the opposite side of God. Grow in your understanding of God’s perspective of Israel, your need to stand for Israel in this hour, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holocaust, Remembrance, Nazi Germany, Denmark, United Nations, immigration, history, preservation, boldness, prayer, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Mattz90/Shutterstock.com


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