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Fear of Muslims? How do you feel about Muslims? Pew Research Center Give this Report!


In 2015 Pew Research Center estimated there were around 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States.

Muslims roughly make up 23% of the world’s population. That’s an estimated 1.9 billion!

Although Islam is the second largest religion in the world (after Christianity), it is the fastest growing religion!
A few weeks ago we had Dr. Hormoz tape for The School of Evangelism. He was a Muslim growing up then 25 years ago he realized the love from the Bible was far too great to ignore. He and his wife have currently been broadcasting into Farsi speaking countries via satellite evangelizing to the Muslim communities.
Some of the first words Dr. Hormoz spoke for SOE were, “How do you feel about Muslims? Are you fearful? Do you like them?”
Just the other day my daughter and I were in a taxi on a ministry trip in Dickinson, ND. Can you guess what religion our taxi driver was practicing? We quickly shifted from talking about the bitter cold weather and wonderful northern accents to the genealogies and specifics between the Quran and the Bible.
This man was persistent. He was educated. And he was passionate about his religion.

Want to know what rose up in my heart as soon as his persistence escalated? …fear. Fear that this man was just a little too adamant. Fear that he was in the U.S. for a hidden agenda. Fear that maybe we got into the wrong taxi.

Immediately, I heard these words in my head as soon as uneasiness crept into my spirit… 

 ” How do you feel about Muslims? Are you fearful? Do you like them?”
  …but I soon remembered what Dr. Hormoz said to answer those questions…
 “The world does not have the answer for Muslims. Islam is growing and people do not know what to do about Islam….but God does know.”
Dr. Hormoz teaching for SOE 

My fear was halted. My nerves were modified. And my heart overwhelmed with love for this man who was so deeply lost in a religion rather than a relationship. I spoke truth with him for nearly an hour. I went to my hotel room and the next morning my spirit began grieving over the lost like never before. I then transformed my entire message for that night and allowed the burden of the Lord for His people to consume the service.  

As a Christian, we must not argue genealogies or laws (Titus 3:9), but respond with love. Yes, Islam may be growing and yes, it can cause fear in our hearts, but greater is HE who is in us than he who is in the world! The enemy would love to see God’s people back down and coward in the face of evil. May we rise up and proclaim the good news to all the world! I pray we seek God’s face for boldness and desire His love for people.
Love will change a hardened and religious heart.
Jeri Hill shares her testimony on Iran Alive Today!

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