LISTEN NOW! Pastor Tom is a man who is known for his love of tea and his “patterns”. All of this changed when someone gave him the encouraging idea to step outside of his four walls and visit a local coffee house to sit at a table with a sign with these words, “FREE PRAYER”. After stepping outside of his comfort zone, he was shocked to learn some of the stories of those that he would meet and the ability to minister to them.
This is such an applicable moment for all of us to remember when God calls our name. Most often, it is into unknown and unfamiliar territories. It is in these steps of faith and obedience that take us to the encouraging times that God was wanting us to see and experience with Him, all along. Are you willing to step out? Hear more about Pastor Tom, how you can visit coffee houses, libraries, and so much more. Also share in this segment: fear, prayer walks, obedience, evangelism, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.
courtesy of InnerVisionPRO/shutterstock.com
courtesy of InnerVisionPRO/shutterstock.com
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