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Home » 50 PRESIDENTS of Pro Israel Organizations Gathered to Discuss the Present Chaotic Environment in the Middle East, Including Israel

50 PRESIDENTS of Pro Israel Organizations Gathered to Discuss the Present Chaotic Environment in the Middle East, Including Israel


LISTEN NOW! Looking across the horizon of media that is taking place regarding Israel, it appears that many have something to say about Israel. The problem is, it’s not always right and it’s not always accurate. In regards to Israel and the Middle East, who would know better than Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has recently held the 42nd annual “Israel mission for the Conference of Presidents” in Israel. This conference gathers the top 50 Jewish Organizations based in the United States. This meeting took place for one purpose, to discuss a nuclear empowered Iran and what that means to Israel.

In this gathering of leaders, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute think tank, Dr. Michael Doran stated, “The president (Barack Obama) doesn’t understand Iran the way we do. The president represents a trend in the U.S. national security elite, which sees Iran as a natural ally of the U.S. This is a strongly held secret opinion. They don’t like to advertise it because it is unpopular politically. President Obama has convinced himself that in the end, Iran and the U.S. have the same interest of defeating Islamic State and that Iran doesn’t really want to destroy Israel.”


We must understand God’s perspective of Israel. Each of us will answer for what we did or did not do regarding the land of Israel. Joel 3:2 states, “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” No matter what happens, or what may be said about Israel, we must keep our eyes and attention focused upon Israel. Hear this full report about what was talked about during the conference, how the control of 22 Arab nations was given to Vladimir Putin from President Obama, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of Joseph Sohm/shutterstock.com


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