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Home » BDS? STARVING ISRAEL’S ECONOMY? What is BDS? Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions.

BDS? STARVING ISRAEL’S ECONOMY? What is BDS? Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions.


LISTEN NOW! In today’s culture, there are so many words and ideas being promulgated, we have to be aware of what exactly is being said. We cannot take a word simply at face value. Words have meaning, whether we know it or not. In the case of Israel, it is being experienced that lies are being shared and the truth is being withheld. One of the present ideas towards Israel is the BDS Movement, which stands for, “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions”, and it seeks to label products specifically coming from Judea and Samaria strictly because of their origination.

The video released by Prager University and Alan Dershowitz expounds on this movement with crystal clear explanation to the unknown ear. Dershowitz breaks down the Movement with 3 clear understandings that expose its deceptive lies; 1) The BDS Movement ignores historical reality. What some may not understand is that the only reason Israel controls the area of the West Bank is because it was the territory of land taken after Jordan declared war with Israel in 1967. Palestinians refuse to take the land even when Israel voluntarily offers it because Israel’s one request, to be acknowledged as a state, is continually denied. 2) The BDS Movement ignores current reality. Considering that Israel is the ONLY free democracy in the Middle East, Dershowitz asks a profoundly obvious question. “Why would you want to boycott a country with a boisterous free press, a model of women’s and gay rights, and whose Arabs, who make up 1/5 of the country, are the freest in the Arab world?”


Lastly, he shares his third and final point, “The BDS Movement makes peace much less likely.” Considering Israel’s remarkable discoveries and advancements in areas such as Technology, Water, and Energy being shared with the world is not a priority to those within the movement. “The BDS activists don’t care about helping the world. They care about hurting the world.”


Don’t be caught off guard when you come across another headline regarding the BDS Movement. Be educated now about what is being shared as well as the truths that are taking place within the land of Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, lies, truth, economy, agriculture, and information. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of Ryan Rodrick Beiler/shutterstock.com 


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