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Home » Brigitte Gabriel shares a Possible Prophetic Sign of what Awaits America if the Borders Remain Porous and there is no Repentance

Brigitte Gabriel shares a Possible Prophetic Sign of what Awaits America if the Borders Remain Porous and there is no Repentance

LISTEN NOW! Hearing someone speak from personal experience brings powerful stories and insightful perspectives. Founder, President, and CEO of ‘ACT! For America’, Brigitte Gabriel has been an outspoken voice against the rising Islamic Terrorism in the world. Raised as a Christian in Lebanon, she experienced this terrorism first hand and has lived to tell others about it. She was recently on the Jim Bakker Show sharing her personal testimony.
At the time of Gabriel’s childhood, she enjoyed a prosperous life that included private school and a chauffeur that took her to and from school. What many may not be aware of, as Gabriel shares, “Muslims used to send their children to our country (Lebanon) to get educated because we had built the best universities in the Middle East. They graduated and then worked in our economy.” At some point, a transition in the makeup of the nation began to occur. Gabriel continues, “As the Muslims became the majority and we became the minority simply because of the way they multiply. We started our country as majority Christian, over 67% Christians…”  This change in the makeup of the nation not only changed the demographics but also Gabriel’s own reality.
“The beginning of what they call ‘The Civil War in Lebanon’ started at a church when a Muslim radical Palestinian walked into a church service on a Sunday morning and started shooting at worshippers.” It was during this war that bombs fell on Gabriel’s own home and she had to live with her family in a shelter in order to survive. “In order to get water, we would crawl under sniper’s bullets because we were surrounded by Muslim snipers shooting at us.” She continues, “My mother and I would say our last goodbyes because we did not know if we were going to come back alive or dead just to get a drink of water.”


This shocking lifestyle continued on for more than three years. As a young teenager, Gabriel didn’t want to die at such a young age. She shares how her and her family responded. “I ended up dressing in my Sunday best, my Easter dress, because I wanted to look pretty when I am dead, knowing that when they come to slaughter me, there would be no one to bury me.”

It was in this desperate and broken state that her father read from the Scriptures and spoke out Psalm 23 over the family and began to pray. You will be surprised to know who it was that ended up rescuing Brigitte and her family, and the army that responded to this wartime crisis. Hear the full story from Brigitte Gabriel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; Westernization, Yasser Arafat, carbon monoxide poisoning, Radical Islam, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Screen Capture from Youtube.com/Jim Bakker Show



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ACT! For America
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