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Home » WATCH! Hybrid Human Beings?; A bulldozer coming to Washington D.C.?; The Bible Museum; and 3 Million men Confess the sin of Prayerlessness

WATCH! Hybrid Human Beings?; A bulldozer coming to Washington D.C.?; The Bible Museum; and 3 Million men Confess the sin of Prayerlessness



Hybrid Humans Animal and Humans Mixed Experiments Already Conducted with Plans to alter Constitution to include Trans-humans?


Since the beginning of Creation, men have been trying to work their way up to the heights of God. We see this demonstrated in Genesis 11:1-9,when the Tower of Babel was created. Man has tried to imitate God. This was the very same strategy of Satan when he said that he would raise his throne above God, in Isaiah 14:13-16. Today, men are doing the same thing, trying to breed humans with animals; hybrid seeds.


During a discussion, John Paul Jackson’s own response to these developments were, “This is weird and the implications of this, are kind of scary!” Men are carrying our experiments creating a human-animal hybrid. Currently, they are letting the form live for 14 days in the embryonic stage. Based on the studies, these developments contain life. The problem with this experiment is that what is being created is no longer human.


During one design, scientists have mixed human skin with a spider. With the discovery that a spider’s web is stronger than Kevlar. In this design, a bullet is shot at a piece of skin. Watching the experiment, it can be seen that the bullet doesn’t go through. As a response, John Paul Jackson shares the implications of these experiments. “You end up getting something that can protect humans…Then anything that can protect humans becomes viable or legal.” The eerie prospects continue as a dialogue ensues about the possibilities of being able to harvest human organs inside animals. When headlines are released about these developments, they may initially sound wonderful, but think first about what this means. Mankind is again, thinking they can become like God.


These developments are happening in the United Kingdom as well as in America. In fact, Parliament has reportedly stated this as the reason to move forward with these discoveries, ‘We will lose our lead as…researchers in the stem cell community, if we don’t push forward with all of these things.’


Mankind continues to formulate and contemplate on how to live longer. You can live forever, with no sickness or disease, by choosing to give your life to Jesus Christ. It’s better to live a short life that brings glory to God, and spend eternity with Him; than to live a long life and be separated from God for all of eternity. Don’t be surprised when you see these headlines coming across news feeds. Watch the full conversation, more about these shocking discoveries, God’s perspective, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: hybrid seeds, judgment, Nephilim, Constitution, Discovery, National Geographic, and sheep’s brains. Greg and John shared in this segment

Bulldozer Coming to Washington D.C.? House of Cards Coming Down?


When we see the events of today that are unfolding, some may think that we are in the last days. When a woman received a dream about the White House, initially it may have looked like destruction; but, after everything was said and done there were times of refreshing ahead.


A woman shares her dream,


We were in a room watching a flat screen TV during the Refreshing Times Conference waiting for one of the roll-ins to start playing. The screen starts to malfunction. Then, all of a sudden, a feed comes up, and it’s The White House…Immediately in my head, I’m thinking, here we go, it’s happening, it’s starting. It’s the last of the last days, Anti-Christ, One World Government, etc.


All of a sudden this big bulldozer bulldozes through the parking lot of cars and right through the White House just like it was a deck of cards. So we start praying in the spirit immediately.


Initially, we can think that only destruction is coming. As one who has given accurate responses and interpretations of dreams, John Paul Jackson shares how the bulldozer is a good thing. “You’re seeing man’s plans; and your seeing God saying, ‘I have a plan that will bulldoze right through the plans of men.” If we like where we are going, then it will be like the last days. God is merciful and He has times of refreshing in store. These words are very encouraging as it lines up with what God has said in a previous prophetic word, that “Washington D.C. is a house of cards.” Hear the entire dream, interpretation, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Eric Cantor, Kevin Spacey, The White House, dreams, and visions. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Bible Museum, First Look in Washington, D.C. – 430,000 Square feet filled with 40,000 artifacts of Awesomeness


The Capital of Washington D.C. is known to have many different museums throughout its landscape. Another museum is undergoing its final preparations for their opening in the fall of 2017. This 430,000 square foot museum has over 40,000 artifacts. It is the Bible Museum. Founder of Hobby Lobby, The Green Family, first started off with a handful of items. Now, with multiple resources, and organizations assisting and helping in the work, what is being accumulated is simply breathtaking.


One woman describes some of the collections by saying, “We have one of the largest collections in private hands of Torah Scrolls”. Herschel Hepler, Assistant Curator, shares about the breadth of those involved that have come together to make this possible. “It’s really an incredible conflation of all the Jewish communities of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa.” Mr. Green shares about the placement of the museum. “Washington D.C. is a great location for us to be able to share this story with people all over the world.”As we approach the final steps of this museum, we can even see the designs of what it is going to look like. Hear more about this exciting projects, the beauty of its building, both in and out, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Green family, Washington Mall, Smithsonian, artifacts, and papyrus. Greg and John shared in this segment.

3 Million Men Repent on the Washington Mall for Prayerlessness and for Leaving our First Love

3 Million men gathered on the mall of Washington D.C. for a particular repentance. We may not be aware, but in our daily lives, many things can come in and steal our attention and focus away from Jesus Christ and His written Word, The Bible. In total silence, men prostrate themselves before God, as though dead, just like John does in the book of Revelation. In a prayer of confession and repentance, these men confess for a sin of prayerlessness that has robbed them of their first love in Jesus Christ. See this magnificent sight, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Promise Keepers, The Garden, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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