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Home » STANDING WITH ISRAEL: AIPAC- American Israel Public Affairs Committee as well as FDIF- Friends of Isreali Defense Forces Making Huge Contribution to ISRAEL’S Security and Survival

STANDING WITH ISRAEL: AIPAC- American Israel Public Affairs Committee as well as FDIF- Friends of Isreali Defense Forces Making Huge Contribution to ISRAEL’S Security and Survival

LISTEN NOW! In today’s culture, there are plenty of voices who have something negative and biased to share regarding Israel. One of the voices that has been a steady voice of support and truth for Israel is AIPAC; The American Israel Public Affairs Community. The mission of AICAP is, “to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.”


According to their website, they are “focused exclusively on strengthening the U.S. – Israel relationship.” While having a significant impact on elected leaders in America’s government, this is not a partisan effort, nor do they do this by endorsing any one particular candidate. “Because Israel’s security is too important to risk only working with one party or the other we work with both parties to ensure Democrats and Republicans come together to keep Israel safe.”


Senator Ted Cruz was one of the speakers at this year’s AIPAC Annual Conference. He was very bold in his words against terrorism as well as Hillary Clinton’s choice of words regarding Hamas’s placement of rockets in public areas was because “Gaza is pretty small and is densely populated…” “Madam Secretary, the reason the missiles are in schools is not because Gaza is small. The reason the missiles are in schools are because Hamas are terrorist monsters using children as human shields.” He also shared his public query to the Obama Administration’s choice to stop flights to Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport asking if this was an economic boycott against Israel?  With the help of New York’s Mayor Bloomberg boarding a flight from London to Ben Gurion Airport demonstrating the safety of Israel, flights were no longer banned to Israel.


AIPAC isn’t the only organization making huge strides and significant impacts to the nation of Israel. FIDF, Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, is also affecting the security of the State of Israel by supporting and helping those individuals that make up the IDF. FIDF has many different operations that assist soldiers; by investing in education, helping with transition costs, and assisting soldiers to see their families.


One of FIDF’s impressive impacts, is their Lone Soldier program. They help those that are deciding to leave their homeland, regardless of where it is in the world, to move to Israel for the sole purpose of defending Israel. One of these Lone Soldiers is Zeev, whose roots are from Texas. From his childhood he proudly expressed his support for Israel. “I was 14 when I decided I wanted to move to Israel and join the IDF.” He not only shares about his journey into the IDF, but what took place while his team was positioned on the border of Gaza.


The FIDF recently celebrated their 2016 Gala event in New York City to express their thanks and support of the soldiers. Prime Minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu shares, “Day and night, 24-7, 365 days a year, the young men and women of the IDF are protecting our freedom. They give the best years of their lives to keep Israel safe and they deserve our utmost respect.” So many wonder how to support Israel, or what they can do to share their allegiance to Israel. These are two of the many organizations that are making significant contributions to the nation of Israel and its citizens. Hear the full report of what is taking place with AIPAC, how the FIDF is helping soldiers, what took place at this year’s Gala, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; political parties, education, Zionism, Operation Protective Edge, rockets, hospitals, schools, terrorism, BDS Movement, Adolf Hitler, USO, Atlanta Airport, snipers, and The Golani Brigade. John and Steve shared in this segment.  

Courtesy of Oleg Ivanov IL/Shutterstock.com

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