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Home » 10 Myths about the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict: Love WINS

LISTEN NOW! Presently, we are seeing more and more nations at war with one another. It appears that there is a continual conflict being experienced somewhere in the world. The reality of conflict couldn’t be more of a reality than what is taking place upon the borders of Israel and their Arab neighbors. Many statements are being promulgated regarding this conflict. Unfortunately, many of them simply are false. It is impossible to battle lies without knowing the truth regarding a matter. Calev Myers and the Jerusalem Institute of Justice have released a simple discussion regarding the top ten misconceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the truth regarding each issue.


When considering the many factors within the issue, such as refugees and land, some express that ”more money needs to be funded to the Palestinians”. Myers boldly expresses the truth regarding this reality stating, “Western nations have given the Palestinians a ton of aid. Even taking inflation into account, they’ve been given 25 times more money, per person, than Europe was given to rebuild after World War II”. Considering this gross neglect of incoming resources, Myers continues to ask this revealing question, “Where’s the stable economy? Where’s the improved infrastructure?”


When the question of this unaccounted money remains unanswered, the next myth is expressed; that “forming a state is the primary goal of top Palestinian leaders”.Again, not true. Myers continues to explain how after the death of Yasser Arafat, “accountants hired by Arafat’s own family discovered secret investments worth more than $1 Billion.” Connecting the dots? “That income stream would be threatened if a new state was formed; which gives leaders like Arafat, or Mahmoud Abbas, for that matter, a billion plus reasons to never actually sign a peace treaty.”


The common misconception most often heard is that “Israel just needs to give up land for peace”. Truth of the matter is this: in 2005, when the Israelis gave up control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, “the Palestinians voted Hamas in. Yep, they elected a terrorist organization, who, since taking power, has fired more than 10,000 rockets into Israel.”  Myers also squarely addresses the misconceptions regarding the thoughts that “most Palestinians want a lasting peace with Israel” and “giving the Palestinians a state NOW is the only solution to their suffering” and others.


It matters how we respond to those that are filled with such hatred. Anyone who is filled with hate, and wants to stab someone simply because of their ethnic demographic, that is a racist
spirit. We must learn to love our enemies and not hate them. Be greatly educated as you see the full report from Calev Myers as you see all of the misconceptions and the truth to combat each, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority, Israel, conflict, The United Nations, two-state solution, peace agreement, Adolf Hitler, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., love, and evangelism. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Filipe Frazao/Shuttetstock.com


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