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Home » David’s Tent DC: Modern Day David’s Tabernacle on the Nations Mall: 24/7 for 424 Days of Non Stop Worship in Song to Jesus!

David’s Tent DC: Modern Day David’s Tabernacle on the Nations Mall: 24/7 for 424 Days of Non Stop Worship in Song to Jesus!


LISTEN NOW! There is a convergence of events taking place right now all over the nation. Many are still being stirred from the hope-filled event of Azusa Now that took place at the Los Angeles Coliseum commemorating the 110th Anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. At the Same time this was happening on the West Coast, United DC16 was taking place on the East Coast. 30,000 Ministers convened on the National Mall to cry out to God in repentance and humility, praying that America would turn back to God. To add more encouragement to the mix, David’s Tent DC was also underway at the same time TOO!!

It all started when Jason Hershey was crying out to God wanting desperately to do something to cause America to turn back to God. In a time of prayer and fasting, Jason came across the story of David setting up the tabernacle in 1 Chronicles 16. In this story, David brought the Ark of the Covenant inside a tent, in the Capital city of Israel, Jerusalem. It was then that David hired 4,000 musicians and 288 singers. This very story gripped Hershey as it exploded within him, “WE’VE GOT TO DO THIS IN AMERICA!” This resounding idea continues as he shares, “We have tens of thousands of churches all over America, let’s set up a tent in our capital city and do what no nation has done in the past 3,000 years!” The tent has been established, the musicians and singers have arrived, and worship to The Lord has been continually lifted up, 24/7 since September 2015 and will continue until November 2016; 424 DAYS OF CONTINUAL WORSHIP!


This is so encouraging!  How many people are desiring to do something to impact the heart of God? When we believe that God can bring out the reality of the dreams that He places in our heart, it is only a matter of time until we see them come to realization, just like what happened to Jason! But, the story didn’t start with this vision of 24/7 continual worship.


Initially, Hershey approached Rev. Patrick Majoney with the question of, “Can you get a permit of 40 days and nights of continuous praise and worship?” An event that would extend over such a long period of time extremely limited the locations that would allow it. Locations such as The Mall, The Washington Monument, or McPherson’s Square were out of the question. But, there was one remaining place that ended up being the place that David’s Tent would be established: The White House Ellipse. This is an epic open door of favor. God literally plants David’s Tent in the front yard of the White House. It is at this moment that the name “David’s Tent DC” was established. “It’s the presence by the palace in the capital city because we know the Lord desires to be central in our lives.” It was here that the first 40-day worship occurred.


The Revivalist, Steve Hill, was known to have repeatedly said, “the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of that opportunity.” What if God desires to put something in your heart to be carried out in your nation, just like Jason did? This is that moment. Now is the time! Watch and see the full report of what is taking place in Washington D.C., the story that began it all, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prayer, Washington, praise, worship, Jerusalem, King David, The Tabernacle, and President Obama. John and Steve shared in this segment. 
screen capture from youtube.com/Davids Tent


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