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Home » Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Mystery of Ishmael

LISTEN NOW! It appears that the news reports broadcasting terrorism across the world isn’t slowing down anytime soon. The question is why is this happening? Why are those who follow the teachings of Radical Islam so violently against those who believe anything other than Radical Islam? Why are so many attacks coming against Israel and the Jewish people? As Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has revealed many profound insights into the Biblical perspective of what is happening in our events of the day, Rabbi Cahn reveals more into the history of Islam. You may be surprised to find out what the answer is. It is the Mystery of Ishmael.

Rabbi Cahn was recently on the Jim Bakker Show and he shared these powerful words, “It has effected every one of our lives. To this day, you’re talking about news reports; it’s all linked to a mystery that goes back to the tent of Abraham.” He continues to share, “It’s behind everything from Islam, to Mohammed, to Osama Bin Laden, to Yasser Arafat, to the threats on America, all the way back to Abraham’s tent.” 


Rabbi Cahn takes us back to the story within Genesis 15 of God speaking to Abraham that he would be blessed with a son. When the timings of the Lord were not within the timelines of Abraham’s plans, Abraham listened to his wife Sarah and had a child with his servant Hagar. The child that was birthed from this was Ishmael. Abraham thought this would suffice as Abraham now had a son. Much to Abraham’s surprise, it did not. The very words that God speaks describing Ishmael in Genesis 16:12 brings clarity to the characteristics of Radical Islam today; “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” Rabbi Cahn expounds, “So, everybody thought it was Ishmael. Everyone thought Ishmael was the one of the promise including Abraham, Hagar had to have, Sara had to have. So they thought this was the way.” A number of years later, and God’s promise still has yet to come to pass. A son is in order and Isaac eventually comes through the womb of Sara to everyone’s surprise; especially Ishmael.


After walking in the perceived blessing, it all falls on Isaac now, and not Ishmael. How would you feel if you were Ishmael? If this weren’t bad enough, Hagar and Ishmael are sent away as described in Genesis 21. Genesis 21:10 describes the very words that changed Ishmael’s life; “Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.” Rabbi Cahn describes what this must have felt like for Ishmael,


“What would you be feeling? Probably jealousy, resentful. Then you lose everything when you’re about thirteen. You lose everything. You lose the birthright. You lose what looks like your inheritance. You lose your father. You lose all that honored position… He’s just becoming a teenager now. What is that going to do to him (Ishmael)? What is that going to do to his being? From him come much of the Arab people.”


Think about this powerful reality! The Jewish people and the Arabs are actually cousins! This explanation from Rabbi Cahn not only describes the root of what is being played out on the stage of the world, but it also gives empathy as we can now understand the heart of those in the Arab world. He also shares, “SO what do you have among, in Islam? You have ‘god has no son’. They cannot call God Father… Why? Because they lost the father years ago. It’s kind of like says, ‘if we don’t have a father, nobody has a father. You look at the Temple Mount, and what do you see… it says, “God has no son”.
There are many Arabs that are coming to Christ in this hour. Ask God to burden your heart now for those in the Arab community so that you can share the Good News of the love of The Father through His Son Jesus Christ. Watch the full explanation from Rabbi Cahn, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: fatherlessness, abandonment, orphan, rejected, truth, inheritance, birthright, forgiveness, and love. John and Steve shared in this segment.
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