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Home » WATCH! United Cry DC on East Coast at the Same Time as Powerful Outpouring on West Coast; Rabbi Jonathan Cahn praying for America

WATCH! United Cry DC on East Coast at the Same Time as Powerful Outpouring on West Coast; Rabbi Jonathan Cahn praying for America




United Cry D.C. 16:  Repentance, Racial Reconciliation and a Cry for Awakening as 30,000 Ministers Converge on the National Mall

Over the past weekend, tens of thousands of people were gathered upon the Los Angeles Coliseum commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival crying out in prayer and repentance, seeking the face of God for revival. Unbeknownst to them, there was another gathering happening at the same time, on the West Coast, in our nation’s Capita where 30,000 ministers were gathered at the National Mall for the United Cry DC16 event.


In a special interview with CBN, Bishop Harry Jackson shares about how the United Cry Event came into existence. “United Cry was a vision given to Louis Hogan in Dallas, Texas where he envisioned leaders coming from all over the nation, and regular Christians, pastors and spiritual leaders, crying out to God during this strategic time in our history.”


It matters that the leaders within the Body of Christ are gathered in humility to repent for the state of our nation. When we look at the climate of our nation, God looks to the leaders of The Church. Bishop Jackson shares more about this expression, looking in the Bible, “You’ll find repeatedly God seems to point the finger at leadership when a nation goes awry or goes astray.” He continues to share, “If we come with an attitude of repentance, brokenness, and humility, and we let God begin a work to refasten, reshape and empower us, we can see some great things happen in our hearts…”


As many were gathered, as Bishop Jackson describes, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn also shared a shaking prayer during this particular gathering. Rabbi Cahn opens with a powerful perspective that some may not be aware of. “In the history of the Earth, there are only two nations built on the solid foundation of God’s calling and purpose. The first was called Israel; the second is called America.” This is so important to understand. The very history of events that unfolded in Israel has also happened in America.


Rabbi Cahn shares about the present day climate in America as also once occurred in Israel; “So too has America, in her blessing, turned away from God and His ways. We too have driven God out of our government, our culture, out of our public squares, out of our discourse, out of our national life. We too have turned from the ways of God and celebrated the ways of Godlessness.” Rabbi Cahn continues, “We too have called what is evil good and what is good we have called evil. We too have lifted up our most innocent and slaughtered them on the altars of our gods, the gods of our desires and our self-obsession, and our collective hands are covered with the blood of millions.”


The darkness that is in our land cannot be ignored. If this doesn’t express the true reality that we find ourselves in, Rabbi Cahn expresses the most recent development in the increasing darkness of evil in our nation. “Before this month is over, for the first time in the history of this nation, part of the temple of Baal will be erected on American soil. A sign that we have come to the days when a nation raises its fist in defiance against the God Almighty.” In the midst of these distraught truths, Rabbi Cahn shares the powerful perspective of hope. “If these are the days of Baal, these are also the days of Elijah.” He continues, “If the Lord Be God then serve Him. But if Baal, then serve him. So, we have come to this place in America’s critical hour to cry out before God and man.”


Rabbi Cahn expresses where in fact we go from here amidst these gloomy realities. “For the answer lies not in any of these places, not in the Capitol Building, not in the White House, not in the Pentagon, not in the Supreme Court. The only answer and hope that America has is in the God of its foundation; The God of Israel by name…Yeshua Jesus.”

We cannot ignore the convergence of events that has taken place in America, in this hour. We must respond to this hour of God’s voice and see what He is doing and orchestrating. We can respond with humility and repentance before the Lord Our God. Watch the full story to see full words of the interview with Bishop Harry Jackson, the full prayer of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; The National Mall, humility, prayer, repentance, President Obama, Supreme Court Judges, laws, righteousness, and forgiveness. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Baal Worship, Blood Sacrifice; Why are they Wanting to Bring Baal Temple to NYC?
 So many events happen each and every day in our nation that we can easily overlook certain events. Reportedly, a temple to Baal will soon be under construction in New York City. According to an interview with Regent University’s Dr. Corne Bekker, Bekker shares the reality of what exactly Baal worship was and what it was to practice Baal worship.“This group of deities were always connected with the idea of fertility; and it was extraordinarily gruesome in their practices.” Bekker continues to share how these Baal worshipers would practice their worship, “Whenever there was indeed a concern for their future, prosperity, the ability to feed themselves, they would sometimes take their first born children, and in the worship of Baal, they would go forth and burn these children alive.” This horrifying truth doesn’t stop here. “While these children were screaming in agony, these folks would engage in all kinds of sexual perverse acts during this time of worship.”


Some would consider these horrifying acts unthinkable, but to consider present day America, one may be surprised to find out how Baal worship is still carried out to this day. When Dr. Bekker was asked if there was any Baal worship in our society today, he had this to say in response. “Yes. Of course there is. Think about it just for a moment when we sacrifice our unborn children in order to maybe secure financial security or to be free, or to have a better life. I think the number now since Roe vs. Wade, MORE THAN 60 MILLION CHILDREN HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTERED.  This is very much what happened in Baal worship…”


As the talks are being discussed regarding the upcoming construction of a Baal temple in New York City, Dr. Bekker has this question to ask in response, “Why in the world would we honor such a gruesome practice?” We have to cry out to God and ask for Him to intercede and stop this evil act from continuing in our nation. Dr. Bekker’s final words are a resounding truth that we must awaken to. “I believe it can still be stopped. I think if many Christians would stand up and use the voice that God has given to them, this can be stopped in time.”

Be educated and informed of what is taking place in New York City, as well in our nation by watching the full interview, and so much more. Also shared in this segment; idolatry, worship, abortion, innocent lives, murder, perversion, humility, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.

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