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Home » Rich Vera’s Prophetic Word for Donald Trump, President Obama, and Evangelist Ministering in Signs and Wonders

Rich Vera’s Prophetic Word for Donald Trump, President Obama, and Evangelist Ministering in Signs and Wonders


LISTEN NOW! The continuation of encouragement doesn’t end regarding what God is doing across the face of the Earth. During a time of 21 days, praying and fasting, Rich Verafelt led to seek after the heart of God! It was during this time that he was shown very specific encounters that reveal what The Lord is doing.

As many have been following the headlines of the news today, Vera shares specifically what he was shown about Donald Trump. He begins by first stating, “I’m not political. I’m not for either party”; and then he shares, “This is a man who is going to be used by God to bring to light a lot of dirt; and for many years to come, and you’re going to hear of him as a man who stands at the forefront of the media to expose the secrets of darkness in society and government here in America.” He was also shownintricate details of what was taking place within the Oval Office involving President Obama. Advisors were presenting him with papers at his desk that he needed to sign, even though he was expressing that he couldn’t say these things. “He began to tear up, like in a way, he wasn’t able to handle the pressure of what’s coming”. The Spirit of the Lord then said to Vera, “I’m going to corner him in a place that is going to cause him to call out on my name…” It matters what we say about our President and that we pray for him!


It is during this season that evangelists will rise up throughout America to spread the Gospel. “This is the season that He is raising up evangelists in the land of America, where evangelists will go through all the corners of this nation; and the days of the gospels, and the days of the parks, of the gospels being preached in the plazas are coming back to America where there are going to be signs, wonders, and miracles in places that are not churches and a mighty harvest is coming in this nation, in this season!” These are the moments that we must seize and recognize that God has placed us within to be a part of what He is doing. God wrote the Bible to each and every one of us so that we would take this Good News and tell everyone around us. Hear the full prophetic vision of what the Lord is doing, how you can be a part, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: supernatural provision, miracles, signs, wonders, faith, encouragement, darkness, and hope. John and Steve shared in this segment.

 screen capture from youtube.com /Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!

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