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Home » WATCH! Attack in Tel Aviv, 4 dead and 16 wounded; Ministry in Israel; and Muslims Coming to Jesus in Ramadan

WATCH! Attack in Tel Aviv, 4 dead and 16 wounded; Ministry in Israel; and Muslims Coming to Jesus in Ramadan



Terror Attack in Tel Aviv, Israel Leaves 4 Dead, 16 Wounded and Hamas Pledging More Attacks to Come during Ramadan, Where is the International Out Cry?


 Many are grieving as terror has once again targeted Israel. This time, it was inside the Max Brenner Restaurant in the Sarona Market of Tel Aviv.  Two men, reportedly cousins, were dressed as Orthodox Jews as they began to shoot innocent bystanders calmly enjoying their meals. In the end, 4 are dead and 16 are wounded. According to CBS News, “It’s one of the deadliest attacks in an 8 month wave of violence where Palestinians have targeted Israelis.” Just returning from his trip to Russia, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was on scene of the attack and he commented on this brutal violence. “This is a savage crime, murder, and terrorism in the heart of Tel-Aviv.”


Founder of Dugit Ministries, located in Tel Aviv Israel, Avi Mizrachi shared about the response to the attack. We spoke with Avi this morning and he shared that the night before the attack we had our monthly city wide prayer meeting in the VIP prayer tower.  During the meeting, they felt a strong leading to focus on government, military, and police. 


On his way home from the meeting, Avi heard about the attack. We count it as a MIRACLE that two terrorist armed with machine guns opened fire in a busy market and were only able to kill 4 and wound 7.  We thank God for putting a quick end to this violent act of terror.


        Please lift up the victims and their families and all those effected.


        Please continue to lift up the people of Israel, that God would thwart all terrorist attacks and would supernaturally assist all military and police forces.


Where is the national and global outcry towards these repeated attacks towards Jews just because of being Jews? It is not only important but vital that we continue to pray and be concerned about what is presently happening globally. What now will Israel do to retaliate and make justice? See the full report of what has taken place in Tel-Aviv, the comments from Prime Minister Netanyahu, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: terrorism, jihad, Israel, Hamas, BDS Movement, and Radical Islam. John shared in this segment.


Dugit Messianic Outreach Reaching Jews for Jesus in Tel Aviv


 If you have not yet visited Israel, it is a beautiful place to visit and see. Some may not be aware, but Tel-Aviv is a city of considerable size. Reportedly, Tel Aviv has the third-largest economy of any city in the Middle East… and has the 31st highest cost of living in the world.” Over 1 million people travel there to visit annually. In the midst of the bustling city, Avi Mizrachi, with Dugit Ministries is sharing the love of Jesus Christ, one cup of coffee at a time.


Initially started as a small Bible study with a handful of people, has now grown to the fellowship gathering that we now see today. “It is a Hebrew speaking, local congregation…”, Mizrachi shares. “It is wonderful to see that Jewish people are responding to the Good News.” Not only is the Gospel being shared, but homeless and needy are having their needs met. Thus the Agape Distribution Center was born. “Today, we feed about between 80-100 families every month.”


As the Gospel is being shared, and the needy are being cared for, the city of Tel-Aviv is also being carried through their many prayers and worship. After a trip to Korea, speaking about Israel, Mizrachi shares how the Lord began to burden his heart,”The Lord has really put in my heart that I need to go and look for a place and build him an altar…of prayer and worship, for breakthrough in this city of Tel-Aviv Jaffa.” The prayer tower was then born, which houses a prayer room on the top 12th floor that looks out over all of Tel-Aviv.


This is such an encouraging and powerful work to be a part of, and also to support. Many may ask how to pray. Mizrachi shares the critical times that we are facing and how to pray for what God is doing in Tel-Aviv. “I believe this is the harvest time. This is harvest time and we need, more than ever, for people to pray for us, for laborers, for people to stand with us in such a time as this.” Be stirred in your perspective and support of Israel, hear more from Mizrachi about Dugit Ministries, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, prayer, ministry, worship, praise, and homeless. John and Steve shared in this segment.



WATCH! Nadeem Afzal Testimony: How He Converted from Islam to Christianity:  Pray for Muslims During Ramadan June 5- July 5th Many Encounter Jesus in Visions and Dreams


As we enter fully into the month of June, it is important to know how the Muslim world sees these next 30 days. This important knowledge can help us greatly as the Church to pray for those who do not know Christ. From June 6th until July 5th is the month of Ramadan. For Muslims, this is the holy month that is served as a time of praying and fasting. What is encouraging to know is what is occurring specifically during this time.


Many Muslims are searching for answers. Considering the rise of Radical Islam being spread through ISIS, it is having contrary effects. As Joel Rosenberg shares with CBN, “From 1960 to 2010, the number of Muslims that have converted to faith in Jesus Christ has grown from fewer than 200,000 to some 10 million people”.  Rosenberg continues, “If that’s Islam, if that is real Islam, I’m out. I’m not comfortable with that; and they are beginning to search.”


As these Muslims are beginning to search for answers, that they are not finding in their religion of Islam, they are being approached with the Gospel. Rosenberg shares how the Gospel is penetrating areas that the governments cannot stop. “Satellite television, the internet, radio, and other believers that they’re just meeting on the ground, as well as dreams and visions of Christ. God is using many ways to get the Gospel message to Islam over the heads of the clerics and the governments right at the moment when Muslims are going through this tremendous upheaval and soul searching.” These are encouraging times for the Church as the Gospel is spreading.


Considering that there are anywhere between 1.3 – 1.8 billion Muslims throughout the world, these 10 million that are coming to Christ are well deserved celebrations. But, Rosenberg shares this insightful perspective. “Maybe we’ve neglected, as the Church broadly speaking, the American Church in particular, maybe we’ve neglected bringing them the Good News…that one doesn’t have to kill oneself but that there is one who has already died for us.”


Now is such an important time to pray for those in the Muslim world. During this time of Ramadan, as Muslims are seeking an encounter with God, that they would in fact encounter Him, Jesus Christ. Naeem Fazal was one such Muslim who had an encounter with Jesus Christ that ultimately changed his life forever.


Fazal was raised Sunni, but, in his own words, “we weren’t radical, or extremists by any means, but we were definitely conservative.” Growing up diligently studying the Koran was a way of life as a child. But, when his brother took a trip to study in America, his brother had some news to share with the family.  “That’s when he actually told us that he was a Christian. I remember that day because I threatened to kill him.” He was determined to talk to his brother and later traveled to America.


It was on this trip, visiting his brother, that they went to see a Christian movie. For the first time, Fazal was confronted and began to question his faith. The conversations between the two continued. His brother told him that Jesus loved him and wanted a relationship with him. “I remember making fun of him and saying, ‘will he just come down if I just ask him?’ and my brother said yes. If you would ask him, He’ll come down.” He thought it was a crazy idea. It was that night, that a sudden darkness walked into his room. He knew it to be a demon of some sort. He ran to his brother’s room and what he was told changed his life forever. The only one who has authority over demons is Jesus Christ. Fazal had to make a choice of his own.


So many people have an intellectual conversation, but an encounter with Jesus Christ will always be better. An encounter with God is always greater than an argument about God. The greatest story that we can tell others, who do not know Christ, is the story of what God did in our own lives, our testimony. Take the time for the next 30 days to pray for Muslims around the world, that they would have an encounter with Jesus just like Fazal did. Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would spread!


Allow your perspective of Muslims to be challenged, your understanding of what Ramadan is about, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, Kuwait, Sunni, Ramadan, prayer, religion, fasting, angels and demons, and repentance. John and Steve shared in this segment.


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