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Home » Franklin Graham’s Ministry Ministers to Wounded Veterans and their Spouses

Franklin Graham’s Ministry Ministers to Wounded Veterans and their Spouses


LISTEN NOW! As war has been experienced for many service members in the war on terrorism, they are coming home finding out that there are still wars to be fought. In a response to honor to those who paid a debt of service to their country, Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse are seeking to sow back into the lives of those who allowed us to experience the joy of freedom.
In a retreat in the Alaskan landscape, wounded military couples enjoy a time of the outdoors as well as spiritual enrichment. It is called ‘Operation Heal Our Patriots’. Their mission is to provide ‘physical and spiritual healing to victims of war, poverty, and natural disaster, disease, and famine in order to show Christ’s love.’ Franklin Graham shares his perspective about this awesome outreach; “We owe a huge debt to these men and women, and this is just a little thing that we can do to bring these men and women to Alaska to allow them to enjoy the beauty of this wonderful state.” Graham continues, “But, to invest in their marriages. They invested in our life, we’re going to invest in theirs.”
We are so thankful for all of our military and the sacrifices that they have made so that we have the freedoms in our lives. No matter what the world is doing, we, as the Church can be doing the right thing by honoring those around us. See the full story of how lives are being changed, one trip at a time to Alaska, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: combat veterans, marriage, Samaritan’s Purse, welcoming veterans, healing, baptisms, and restoration. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from SamaritansPurse.org

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