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Home » Russia Approves “Anti-Terrorism” Law that Makes Evangelizing in Your OWN Home Illegal

Russia Approves “Anti-Terrorism” Law that Makes Evangelizing in Your OWN Home Illegal


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! We are experiencing serious days throughout the world. We don’t have to navigate these days on our own. Persecution is increasing as more and more Christians are experiencing pressure from the authorities of the world. Recent laws passed in Russia are already affecting Christians, and future decisions may have much larger consequences as well.

According to Christianity Today, Russia has passed new laws that restricts open evangelism of Christianity. The amendments of this passing also involve how the Church gathers, “including laws against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings, go into effect July 20.” After these laws were passed, one particular police officer declared this to a gathering of believers, “With a contented expression he told them: ‘Now they’re adopting the law I’ll drive you all out of here.’ I reckon we should now fear such zealous enforcement.”
It is vital that we are not focused on what is happening only in our immediate sphere, but that we are considering what is taking place in the world and how it is affecting the Global Church. We cannot take the freedoms that are so freely exercised in America for granted. As God has shown, A Third Great Awakening is going to come about. Be encouraged to know that regardless of what happens in the kingdoms of this world, God is still in control, and the Kingdom of God will continue forever. Hear the full conversation and more about the reports coming from Russia, how to be a Global Christian, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophesy, wisdom, government, persecution, laws, and prayer. John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

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