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Senator Cruz Hearing on President Obama’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islam


LISTEN NOW! America has repeatedly witnessed our President acknowledging everything but the existence of Radical Islam. You’re not crazy to wonder why. Senator Ted Cruzrecently chaired a hearing on the Obama Administration’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islamic Terrorism. When Radical Islam has struck our nation, The Obama Administration has chosen to use the terms, “workplace violence”.

Senator Cruz shares that in 2011, “The group ‘Muslim Advocates’ sent a letter to the Obama Administration claiming the Federal Government had somehow become infected with ‘false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam’ and demanding that ‘such bigoted’ and ‘distorted materials’ be purged; and also advocating for inter-agency task force to address this problem.” Responding to this alerting truth, Senator Cruz asks this applicable question; “After all, should it really be the top concern of counter-terrorism whether their efforts ‘offend’ anyone, rather than if they work and keep Americans safe?”


Senator Cruz held nothing back as he shared statistic after statistic of the devastating consequences of what has transpired due the lack of acknowledging Radical Islam under the present administration. He then continued to share how the current administration has responded to the existence of specific terms in their governmental records.  “This year alone, the Obama administration has twice purged mentions of ‘ISIS’ and ‘Islamic terrorism’ from highly significant public records—one involving French President Hollande’s remarks about the Paris terror attacks and the other involving the terrorist’s 911 call during the horrific Orlando attack. The Administration was forced to abruptly reverse course when the public outcry became too great.”


Surprisingly enough, the first international speech our current President made was at Cairo University where he declared, “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” It looks as though our leadership thinks it’s better to partner with Islam than to partner with Israel. When we look at the effect in America, we have to take into consideration Saul Alinksy’s book Rules for Radicals, and the tactic of picking a target, freezing it, personalizing it, and polarizing it. America has never been more divided than it is right now. Both President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were recruited and trained by Saul Alinksy. We must pray for our leaders. We need to know what to do with the news that is happening. See the full exchange from Senator Ted Cruz, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Jeh Johnson, Radical Islam, terrorism, Islam, Jihad, The Koran, The Old Covenant, and The New Covenant. Greg and John shared in this segment.

screen capture from youtube.com/SenTedCruz

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