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Home » The Amazing Story of Pocahontas’ Conversion to Christianity and the Power of the Bible to Provide Real Answers to Any Situation and Circumstance You Will Ever Face

The Amazing Story of Pocahontas’ Conversion to Christianity and the Power of the Bible to Provide Real Answers to Any Situation and Circumstance You Will Ever Face


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! One of the last words that Jesus gave to His disciples was the Great Commission as chronicled in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” In order to be true to what the Lord expects of us as His disciples, we must be aware of what His teachings are. Today, with the focus of simply saying a prayer, it appears that discipleship is not as high of a priority as it was to the early Church. When we look back at the history of America, and those that came to Christ, we may be surprised as to how often a simple prayer was offered up.

One particular story is the journey of Pocahontas. The very moment that she decided to be baptized in Jesus Christ is memorialized in a painting that hangs in the United States Capitol Rotunda. The image seen in the Rotunda brings a visualization to what took place in the middle of the story. This was not the moment she decided to become a Christian. As David Barton shares, “She came to them a year before and said, ‘I want to be become a Christian.’” She was told no. Again pressing she said yes. Again in response, she was told no, “What you need to do is read through the Bible for a year, see if your willing to live that lifestyle. You study that for a year and see if you want to commit to that lifestyle because if you’re going to become a Christian then that’s what you’re going to have to do is live by the Book.” As Barton continues, those responding to Pocahontas continued their explanation; “So, we’ll talk to you in a year after you’ve read the Book for a while and see if you really want to do this.” The image seen in the Capitol building Rotunda is that decision being made a year later.


What is additionally revealing is what causes her to make her next decision. Because of this extended time spent in the Scriptures, she notices how the names of people are changed once they encounter God. She did not want to be recognized as Pocahontas, but as ‘Rebecca”. Barton highlights the importance of this historic fact. “Interesting, the concept was, ‘you want to come to Christ? Study the Book for a while and see if you really want to do this, cause you can’t be a disciple unless you really want to take up your cross daily and follow Him.’” Barton doesn’t stop with the surprising story involving Pocahontas/Rebecca, he also shares insightful facts about the stories of well-known individuals such as D.L. Moody, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, George Whitfield, and Charles Finney. The reality is this, “the Great Commission is not about salvation, it is about discipleship.”


When we begin to spend time daily with the Lord, it is amazing what the Lord will reveal to us in the depths of His Word and the whisper of His voice. Barton shares about another historic individual, Matthew Maury. Possibly unknown to most, the very reason for what he is known for was birthed while spending time with the Lord. He is known as the Father of Naval Meteorology and Oceanography. You will be greatly encouraged and stirred in your faith to hear from the Lord when you see the two verses that were revealed to Maury.


God has so many awesome and wonderful mysteries and revelations of wisdom that He is wanting to make known to each of us. Spending time with the Lord is not as hard as religion makes it out to be. By simply spending time with Him, abiding with Him, each and every day, we begin to become more like Him. Allow your faith to be stirred and lifted up as you see the full story of so many in our history, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Sinner’s Prayer, discipleship, counting the cost, The Great Commission, sacrifice, obedience, Navy, naval ships, jet streams, ocean currents, and relationship. John and Steve shared in this segment.

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