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Home » WATCH! Azusa Now – The 110th anniversary of the Azusa St Revival; Bill Johnson and Lou Engle discuss the story

WATCH! Azusa Now – The 110th anniversary of the Azusa St Revival; Bill Johnson and Lou Engle discuss the story


Third Great Awakening Upon Us! Azusa NOW LA Coliseum: 110th Year Anniversary of Azusa Street Revival: A Monumental Convergence of Outpouring! Part 1

Saturday April 9th was no ordinary weekend occurrence. It was the 110th Anniversary of a powerful move of God that is still bringing fruit into the Kingdom. The Azusa Street Revival was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit that took place in Los Angeles, California. That was Azusa then. Now, 110 years later, God is beginning a monumental movement again being spearheaded by Bill Johnson and Lou Engle. This isn’t Azusa then; this is Azusa Now!
In a special interview, Bill Johnson and Lou Engle share the storyline, all the way from the humble beginnings of the Azusa Street Revival, to what is now being carried out in Present Day. Some may not be particularly aware of the Azusa Street Revival. Bill Johnson shares about it by stating, “The Azusa Street Revival is kind of recognized as the root system of the Pentecostal Movement, that which has brought more people into the Kingdom than any other revival in all of history.” With this understanding, it is easy to understand that this revival not only impacted its immediate culture and generation but, the many generations that were still to come.
One man, William Seymour, was desperate for a move of God. In an hour of great racial oppression, 1906, Seymour was an African American who rose above his reality. In the midst of this reality, Seymour was focused solely on the Kingdom. What set Azusa apart from this racial climate was that it was well known for its diversity in all things. “It’s a real mark of the outpouring of The Spirit, there is an erasing of color lines and of class; the economic status is erased; ages, young and old, erases all those lines. It brings people together.”
The Jesus Movement was another move of God, which took place during the 1960’s and 70’s. As their dialogue continues, Engle expresses the Jesus Movement, “a general outpouring of salvation. It was like everyone was getting saved.” These outpourings highlighted a dramatic shift in The Kingdom by the historic increase of miracles. In both of these outpourings, it wasn’t about the signs, but always about Jesus. Johnson expresses this with these words, “A sign is a reality that points to a greater reality…it has to do with the display of The Heart of The Father.”
It is when the Body of Christ comes into unity with one another, apart from the distinguishing indicators of the present culture and gets into alignment with The Kingdom that we begin to see “Heaven on Earth”. Engle expresses, “The Constitution of your community is more important than the passion of your prayers…If you get into company that are walking with no discord, no discorded notes, it actually synchronizes with the sound of Heaven and Heaven is poured out.” He continues this powerful truth by emphasizing, “Only a united Church can heal a divided nation.”
It was during a time of prayer and fasting, seeking The Lord for revival in America, when Engle learned of a man that had a dream about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the dream, MLK, Jr. was holding a white bag with black handles. He turns the bag upside down, violently shakes out the contents of the bag, and throws the bag down. The man goes to pick up the bag and MLK, Jr. says, “Don’t pick up that baggage.” Engle shares the powerful interpretation of the dream, “It’s a white bag with black handles. It’s how the blacks handle the white baggage that we’ve given to them.”  Engle continues, “If you can forgive us you can lead us into the greatest revival because those who have been wounded the most have more authority to heal the most.”
These important journeys of the story are vital to understand the prevalence and significance of what has happened and what is happening right now, in Los Angeles, and across The Body of Christ. It is reconciliation and forgiveness that must take place in order for an outpouring of the Lord’s Presence upon a nation and generation. Engle again shares about a man who was believing God for revival before The Jesus Movement occurred. In a time of prayer, The Lord said to the man, “Call the youth pastor that you wounded, that you’ve never reconciled with. Call him.” Focusing first on the early time of the morning, 2 am, the man replied, “God, I can’t call him, it’s 2 o’clock in the morning”. God responded again, “If you’re serious about the prayer you’ve been praying for revival you’ll call him.” Sharing the significance of the story, the man expressed, “The revival that happened two months later actually began with a phone call.”

This reality is the same for our present day generation. Who do you need to call and ask forgiveness? Who do you need to call and reconcile past differences with? These are the very truths that Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” When John Wimber was witnessing miraculous healings of 200 people, it all came to a standstill, and no one was healed. After taking this to The Lord, The Lord spoke to him about a negative thought in his heart as the reason why the large number of healings had suddenly stopped. Once he asked for forgiveness, another 200 were healed the next week. When a man was asked about his powerful walk with the Lord, he shared, “When you cease to hurt people with your words and your thoughts you’ll enter into the river of love.” Church, it’s time we get serious about revival. Ask God, “Who have I not forgiven?” If this was not important, Jesus would not have said it. Engle continues to share the impact of this truth,


These truths and events are such divine moments that are taking place. Now is the time that we must respond, we must respond to the voice of the Lord, we must respond to His Presence and humble ourselves if we want the outpouring of His Spirit that we been asking Him for. Be greatly encouraged and challenged in your walk with Christ as you see the whole encounter, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: signs and wonders, healings, miracles, racism, oppression, forgiveness, love, Third Great Awakening, Bethel Church, The Accuser, bitterness, unity, Throne Room Worship, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.  #Azusa, #AzusaNow 


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