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Home » ‘There will be a terrorist scattering sometime in the next 2-5 years like we’ve never seen before’,says FBI Director, James Comey as Prime Minister of Iraq decides to resolutely end the existence of ISIS in Iraq. Why did we wait 7 years?

‘There will be a terrorist scattering sometime in the next 2-5 years like we’ve never seen before’,says FBI Director, James Comey as Prime Minister of Iraq decides to resolutely end the existence of ISIS in Iraq. Why did we wait 7 years?


LISTEN NOW! The world has witnessed and watched as ISIS has continually increased its presence and to reach throughout the world by its repeated acts of terrorism and evil. But first, ISIS established a major foothold in Iraq. As CBN reports, Prime Minister of Iraq, Haider al-Abadi, declared that this is coming to a close. “We’re pleased that the military plans are in place in order to start the operation to liberate Mosul. That would be the beginning of the end of ISIL in Mosul and we hope that we would be able to end this chapter of ISIS and its history in Iraq militarily.” After all this time, why did we wait until now to declare a resolute effort that ISIS would be destroyed? And, most importantly, what effect will this have on the surrounding areas and the rest of the world?

According to FBI Director, James Comey, there are significant effects. When speaking about these Homeland Security Threats, he shares,

“The so-called ‘Caliphate’ will be crushed. The challenge will be, through the fingers of that crush, are gonna come hundreds of very, very dangerous people. They will not all die on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq. There will be a terrorist diaspora sometime in the next 2-5 years like we’ve never seen before.

We must prepare ourselves and our allies especially in Western Europe to confront that threat; because when ISIL is reduced to an insurgency and those killers flow out, they will try to come to Western Europe and try to come here to kill innocent people. We have to keep our eye on it and be ready for it.”

These are the very warnings that we have continually warned about leading up to the days that we are now experiencing. Connect the very events that are happening, how to prepare for such actions, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, Homeland Security, Senate Hearing, refugees, Mosul, Iraq, and terrorism. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
screen capture from c-span.org
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