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Home » NBA’s Dwight Howard, of Houston Rockets Shares His Powerful Testimony of His Relationship with Jesus Christ

NBA’s Dwight Howard, of Houston Rockets Shares His Powerful Testimony of His Relationship with Jesus Christ


When Dwight Howard was drafted from high school to take part in the National Basketball Association (NBA), his mission when he stepped on the court was this, “…to preach God’s word, you know, in the NBA,” says Dwight. “Use the NBA as a platform for God. And when I’m on the floor, you know, let people see, you know, the God in me.” The atmosphere and culture of the professional arena isn’t without temptation. After sharing with many his Christian faith, he found himself in the reality of being a father, and not married.

He received much heat from his teammates during this moment in his life, but he remembers how God led him through. “The minute I messed up, the minute I sinned, everybody took a shot at me, ‘man you supposed to be a Christian’. But, Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. So, if He’s willing to forgive us, why can’t we forgive each other?” Continue Reading…

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