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Home » Israel’s New Law Makes it Legal to Build in the West Bank, Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel

Israel’s New Law Makes it Legal to Build in the West Bank, Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel


LISTEN NOW! There are so many exciting things that are taking place! Israel’s governmental body, The Knesset, has just recently passed a retroactive law allowing Israel to build property in the West Bank. As CBN News reports, the Knesset’s passing of the ‘regulation law’ retroactively legalizes Jewish communities in Israel’s biblical heartland. Contrary to what some may believe, the West Bank is actually Israeli land; it is within the borders of Israel. There have been numerous talks about cutting the land off the West Bank and making it separate from Israel, thus dividing the very land of Israel. In addition to the events of Israel passing this law to build on their own property, America is moving their U.S. Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. In order to understand how significant this is, we have to understand recent history, and the past relationship between Israel and America.
Only a few short years ago, in 2012, President Obama was running for a second term and the Democratic Nation Convention was underway, as they were voicing their platform, what they stood for and would carry out over the next four years. During this Convention, Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, stood up and addressed the crowd, addressing two topics to be changed in the Democratic Party’s Platform; “…that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we’ve expressed in our Party’s Platform; in addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and our Party’s Platform should as well.” He then proceeded to show the very areas of the amendments in the Party’s Platform that addressed these two issues for all to see. But, when it came time to pass this, the crowd didn’t react too kindly. There are equal roars from the crowd to accept the motion, and similar shouts to deny the motion. Not only was God repeatedly BOOED, but the acknowledgement of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel was also BOOED!. It appears that the same conversation has continued to this day as Jerusalem is again at the epicenter of conversation.
It’s important that we not only look at the issues regarding Israel and the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, as to how the many news sources are presenting it; it is important to know what does God say about it. Joel 3:2 talks very specifically as to how God will respond to how the nations of the world treat Israel. “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” When we begin to recognize the volatile relationship that our previous Administration had with the nation of Israel, and Benjamin Netanyahu, we can then recognize the miraculous shift as our current Administration takes office. Not only is President Trump a friend to Israel, a friend Benjamin Netanyahu, AND he has already begun taking necessary actions in order to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
When CBN News sat down with advisor the President Trump, former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, he spoke about President Trump’s intentions of moving the Embassy to Jerusalem; “I believe that’s something they’ll talk about and that’s something that President Trump pledged to do and I know he keeps his promises. So, I can’t tell you exactly how he’s going to do it or when he’s going to do it or all the stages, but I can tell you that he is very serious about the promises that he makes, a little bit different than some other politicians”. This is so exciting to see and hear how our President is taking bold actions to demonstrate his stand and support of Israel! This movement of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem is about to cause a pouring out of blessings to America. With this being said, it is vital to remember that government is not the blessing; God is the blessing.
President Trump not only supports the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but he also recognizes Israel as its own state. When we look back the previous Administration, we can see how significant of a change has just taken place. President Obama openly stated, “We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.” While previous Administration had its way of continually negatively responding to Israel, continually sending issues regarding Israel to be handled at the United Nations knowing full well it would result negatively for Israel, it also made sure to take advantage of every opportunity available to express their take on the relationship with Israel. With only hours left in the Obama Administration, President Obama sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority.
When we look at Israel, we cannot overlook the reality of Israel’s small size compared to their many neighbors in the Middle East. Israel is only 70 miles wide. That is quite the contradiction when looking at regional neighbors like Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs highlights the realities of this region and numerous “Critical Security Needs” that must be met in order for Israel to defend itself; The Jordan Valley, The Mountain Ridge, a Demilitarized Palestinian State, the Airspace over the West Bank, and the Main Arteries of Transportation.
Regardless of what some voices may be shouting and proclaiming about our new Administration and President Trump, we must recognize the incredible shift and change between America’s relationship with Israel. We have a new leader that stands with Israel, is a friend of Israel, and supports Israel. We must not only stand with our new President, but we must also stand in prayer for him. Be encouraged as you hear more of the details of this pivotal change in America’s leadership, our past leadership, how present decisions will have significant impact on America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: settlements, buildings, land, West Bank, Philadelphia Corridor, relationships, the United Nation, an Unstoppable Communist Voting Bloc, and blessings. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
 Courtesy of gali estrange/Shutterstock.com



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