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Home » WATCH! US Ambassador, Nikki Haley, Confronts the UN; and Larry the Cable Guys shares his testimony

WATCH! US Ambassador, Nikki Haley, Confronts the UN; and Larry the Cable Guys shares his testimony


U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.  Nikki Haley Confronts the Communist Muslim Voting Block Against Israel
For so long, we have documented and talked about how the United Nations has continually expressed a biased take on the nation of Israel. As the United Nations continues to meet to discuss security threats, there is a myriad of topics that one would consider viable “threats”, but instead it is Israel that is discussed. As America has appointed a new Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, there is a new voice of boldness in the United Nations meetings that will not only speak out against such actions from the United Nations, but also in support of Israel.
As Ambassador Haley commented about her first United Nations meeting, she shared profound words about what she had witnessed and what her response would be. “The Security Council just finished its regular monthly meeting on Middle East issues. It’s the first meeting like that that I’ve attended and I’d have to say, it was a bit strange.” To her surprise, she points out a multitude of topics that were NOT discussed, “…but, in our meeting on the Middle East, the discussion was not about Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not about how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Bashar Al-Asad accountable for the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of civilians…” No. None of these. As Ambassador Haley addresses, this is what the United Nations Security Council discussed, “…instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel; the one true democracy in the Middle East.”

Regardless of how new she may be to this new position of Ambassador, she declares these bold words in response, “I’m here to say, the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I’m here to underscore the ironclad support of the United States for Israel. I’m here to emphasize the United States is determined to stand up to the U.N.’s anti-Israel biases.” Ambassador Haley continued to describe this egregious contradiction. Regarding the U.N. Department of Political Affairs and how its actions affect the peace process involving Israel and the Middle East. See the entire speech and response from Ambassador Haley regarding the United Nations, America’s steadfast support of Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Palestinians, North Korea, Iran, and peace. Greg shared in this segment.

Larry the Cable Guy Gives his Life to Jesus
When Daniel Whitney takes the stage, applause and cheering are sure to erupt from the crowds. Some may not recognize that name, but they are sure to recognize the name that Whitney has made famous speaking on stages throughout America, “Larry the Cable Guy”. He’s known for his southern style of comedy and his well-known phrase of ‘Git-R-Done’. When Whitney recently visited Liberty University, he not only shared his comedic style of living life trying to lose weight and his travels throughout the nation, he also shared about his life that brought him to where he is today.
Some may not be aware but Whitney actually grew up on a pig farm in Nebraska, loading cattle trucks. He had always wanted to be a comedian. Amidst the many characters that he had created, one seemed to catch the attention of others, “Larry the Cable Guy”. As he shares, “When I did it on the radio, it struck a nerve…” He never thought anything of it when it started. But, as he describes, “I ended up getting syndicated on three stations. I used to call in and do social commentaries…I called 27 stations, 5 days a week for 13 years.” Some may perceive Whitney as an “overnight success”. But his story reveals this was hardly the case.
Whitney shares how his dad was a Baptist preacher and that he became a Christian as a young boy. He points out how he never did drugs or alcohol, but in this area of work, as he describes, “you get in the entertainment business, it just pulls you in.” As he points out, two years ago, he rededicated his life to Jesus Christ. His heart begins to pour out as he shares his thoughts and concerns about so many of the things that he has done in his life. “I just feel horrible about some of the things that I’ve done; and unlike other people, everything that I did and said, is on tape for everybody to see. I’m proud of some things that I’ve done…but there are things that I’ve done onstage, now that I’m back in the fold, now that I’m back with my Savior, there’s things that I look back on and I wish I wouldn’t have done it.” Whitney continues to point out this important truth, “Men don’t forgive you, and I don’t care if men forgive me, Jesus forgives me.”
As a man who has lived and experienced the wealth and success that entertainment and Hollywood offer, he continues to share that his happiest and most fulfilling moments were not when he was in the fullness of Hollywood, but when he was in the fullness of Christ. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life, and it has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with fame; because fame and money, and all the glitz never makes you happy…five years ago, I wasn’t as happy as I am now.”

It is so powerful to witness Whitney being so open and truthful about his life, about his journey, and about where his true happiness comes from. It is so beautiful to witness God’s restoration and healing in someone’s life. Breakthrough is not simply financial breakthrough, but breakthrough in our spiritual walks with the Lord. There are many who are about to be brought into the Kingdom, and we need to be there to demonstrate the love and compassion of the Lord to each and every one of them. Enjoy heartfelt laughter as you hear the entire comedic act, as well as tears of joy and empathy as you hear the relational truth of his life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: dieting, Instagram, carbohydrates, humor, Disney Cruise, Golden Corral, Jeff Foxworthy, Elvis, bullies, David Jeremiah, Ravi Zacharias, and cattle ranching. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Larry the Cable Guy Makes Us Laugh and Makes Us Cry as he Shares his Salvation Testimony
When Daniel Whitney takes the stage, applause and cheering are sure to erupt from the crowds. Some may not recognize that name, but they are sure to recognize the name that Whitney has made famous speaking on stages throughout America, “Larry the Cable Guy”. He’s known for his southern style of comedy and his well-known phrase of ‘Git-R-Done’. When Whitney recently visited Liberty University, he shared about his life that brought him to where he is today.
Some may not be aware but Whitney actually grew up on a pig farm in Nebraska, loading cattle trucks. He had always wanted to be a comedian. Amidst the many characters that he had created, one seemed to catch the attention of others, “Larry the Cable Guy”. As he shares, “When I did it on the radio, it struck a nerve…” He never thought anything of it when it started. But, as he describes, “I ended up getting syndicated on three stations. I used to call in and do social commentaries…I called 27 stations, 5 days a week for 13 years.” Some may perceive Whitney as an “overnight success”. But his story reveals this was hardly the case.
Whitney shares how his dad was a Baptist preacher and that he became a Christian as a young boy. He points out how he never did drugs or alcohol, but in this area of work, as he describes, “you get in the entertainment business, it just pulls you in.” As he points out, two years ago, he rededicated his life to Jesus Christ. His heart begins to pour out as he shares his thoughts and concerns about so many of the things that he has done in his life. “I just feel horrible about some of the things that I’ve done; and unlike other people, everything that I did and said, is on tape for everybody to see. I’m proud of some things that I’ve done…but there are things that I’ve done onstage, now that I’m back in the fold, now that I’m back with my Savior, there’s things that I look back on and I wish I wouldn’t have done it.” Whitney continues to point out this important truth, “Men don’t forgive you, and I don’t care if men forgive me, Jesus forgives me.”
As a man who has lived and experienced the wealth and success that entertainment and Hollywood offer, he continues to share that his happiest and most fulfilling moments were not when he was in the fullness of Hollywood, but when he was in the fullness of Christ. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life, and it has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with fame; because fame and money, and all the glitz never makes you happy…five years ago, I wasn’t as happy as I am now.”

It is so powerful to witness Whitney being so open and truthful about his life, about his journey, and about where his true happiness comes from. It is so beautiful to witness God’s restoration and healing in someone’s life. Breakthrough is not simply financial breakthrough, but breakthrough in our spiritual walks with the Lord. There are many who are about to be brought into the Kingdom, and we need to be there to demonstrate the love and compassion of the Lord to each and every one of them. Enjoy heartfelt laughter as you hear the entire comedic act, as well as tears of joy and empathy as you hear the relational truth of his life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: dieting, Instagram, carbohydrates, humor, Disney Cruise, Golden Corral, Jeff Foxworthy, Elvis, bullies, David Jeremiah, Ravi Zacharias, and cattle ranching. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Uplifting Prayer at President Trump’s Melbourne, FL Speech

President Donald Trump shared an inspiring and uplifting speech recently when he visited Melbourne, FL. But, before any words were shared by President Trump, the first words spoken into the microphone was a powerful prayer. He pointed out that this wasn’t the first time he prayed for Mr. Trump, as he also did the same, on the same stage, during the President’s campaign trail. “I am proud to stand here today, to say that I’m praying for President Donald J. Trump.” He prays these encouraging words, “Thank You Lord for a President that understands that we are one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank You God for a President that is guiding and leading in an inspirational way, that will lift this nation, lift our hearts…that we are that city on that hill, that You’ve allowed on that planet…” Hear the entire prayer that was lifted up in this encouraging moment, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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